해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Black TOPO heat ano engraved 58mm Titanium Scales for Swiss Army SAK

상품번호 B0D3PCP9LS
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상품가격 33.20
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COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with most 58mm Victorinox Swiss Army Knives (SAK) that have toothpicks & tweezers.If you only purchase the scales, we recommend that you use two-component epoxy adhesive in order to fit the scales to your SAK on all the attachment points. Fitment is at your own riskINSTALL: You can also request the scales to be installed on Factory Knife as a custom order. Just send me a message.DISASSEMBLY of any knife is not covered under the original manufacturer\'s Warranty.PRECISION: Each MetonBoss item is precision CNC machined from a solid billet in my Anaheim manufacturing facility in California, USA.
Titanium metal is a very durable metal because it is corrosion-resistant: sea water, aqua regia, and chlorine. It is 40% lighter than steel but as strong as high-strength steel. Titanium finds applications in things like aerospace and surgical applications. Titanium is a chemical element with the symbol Ti and atomic number 22. It is a lustrous transition metal with a silver color. We appreciate your support and love for MetonBoss EDC products, including Knife Scales and Hardware, Lanyard beads, Prybars, Flashlights, Pill boxes, Haptic Coins and Fidgets, Worry Coins and Spinning Tops!

2024-11-27 09:50:32

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