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2-Kids Baby Car Camera for Seat: 6.9 Inch Ultrawide Display with Two Cameras Rear Facing - USB Powered Backseat Camera HD 1080P Easy to Install

상품번호 B0D3TGQP86
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Dual Baby Car Camera: Designed for families with 2 babies,car camera for baby 2 cameras helps you keep an eye on your two playful kids at the same time, whether they are napping or crying, without having to be distracted or turn around to check while driving. Suitable for cars/vans/pickups/trucks or suvs with three rows of seats and so on.6.9-inch Ultra Wide Display: The 24:9 ultrawide car baby monitor allows you to view two channels side-by-side on a single screen, delivering AHD images that are crisp and undistorted, with no compression or stretching of your baby\'s face. The 6.9-inch ultrawide display offers a wider field of view compared to the usual 4.3 or 5 inch screens, freeing you from the need to squint at smaller screens and it doesn\'t block the driver\'s view.Infant Eye-Safe No-Light Night Vision Cam: Featuring the latest 940nm technology, it ensures clear night vision without glare or noise. The unique design of the baby car camera shields your baby\'s eyes from infrared light, preventing potential harm and headaches. It\'s a significant improvement over cheaper infrared cameras, which can be as harmful as a flashlight beam shining directly into the eyes.Plug and Play: Every parent can easily set up the baby camera for car in under 5 mins—it\'s incredibly simple and time-saving. ① Just secure the car baby camera to the front or rear headrest using the 2 elastic bands with Velcro, ② Connect the cable to the dash-mounted car baby monitor ③ Power it up by plugging into the cigarette lighter or via a USB power cable. Elastic Velcro with double hook design is easier to install than buckles and ensuring the carseat camera stays steady during driving.Vivid AHD 1080P Image: Baby car monitor features a high-quality IPS screen with genuine AHD 1080P resolution full color image technology, delivering clearer and more vibrant color images. It stands out from other car camera baby with benefits such as no afterimages, minimized glare, and an enhanced viewing angle.Safe Driving: The car seat camera is adjustable to fit various car models and seat sizes, offering a 360° rotation for the optimal viewing angle. Equipped with a 6-piece spherical glass lens set and a 150° wide angle view, it enables you to monitor up to three babies in the backseat at once. The baby back seat camera on the infant\'s rear seat supports both mirror and normal image modes, allowing you to easily switch based on your kid\'s position in the car seat.Family Essentials: The car camera for baby is an ideal choice for baby showers and registries as a thoughtful gift, especially cherished by new moms. This car monitor for baby not only empowers parents to keep a close watch on their newborn\'s safety at all times but also enhances every journey with an added layer of security. Whether as a present for friends or a precious addition to your own family, the backseat camera for baby is an invaluable must-have asset for travel safety.2-Year Warranty & Advanced Windshield Mount: Yakry offers lifetime technical support, 2-year warranty and a 30-day money-back guarantee for every car backseat baby camera. If you have any problem with your double car camera for 2 baby, please contact us. Newly upgraded ABS+TPU mount features enhanced adhesion, outperforming adhesive pads for long-lasting reliability without falling off, even with prolonged sun exposure.

2024-09-04 23:28:04

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