해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
WiiM Ultra Music Streamer & Digital Preamp | 3.5" Touchscreen, Compatible with Google Cast & Alexa, Stream Spotify, Amazon Music, Tidal & More | HDMI ARC, Phono Input & Headphone Output | Silver

상품번호 B0D41YP9CS
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상품가격 $263.20
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Looks Good, Sounds Great: The WiiM Ultra redefines your audio experience with its sleek aluminum design and premium components. This all-in-one music streamer boasts a ESS ES9038 Q2M DAC, a vibrant 3.5” touchscreen, state-of-the-art Wi-Fi 6E, and Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity. Engineered for excellence, it delivers outstanding audio clarity with a THD+N of -116dB and an SNR of 121dB, making it a perfect addition to any sound system.Versatile Connectivity Options: The WiiM Ultra offers versatile audio integration with its wide array of connection options. It features USB, Optical, Coaxial, RCA, a dedicated headphone output; HDMI ARC, and inputs for RCA, Phono, and Optical. It seamlessly integrates with both digital and analog sources, offering unparalleled flexibility for any audio setup.Home Theater Magic, Made Easy: Quickly enhance your entertainment with the WiiM Ultra\'s HDMI ARC and Subwoofer Out. Experience rich stereo sound for movies, shows, and games. Customize your sound experience with tailored EQ settings. Add a powered subwoofer for deep, cinematic bass. The WiiM Ultra ensures your home audio setup is both powerful and straightforward, bringing superb sound quality with minimal effort.Seamless Multiroom Audio: Effortlessly create a unified sound system across your home using the WiiM Ultra with existing Amazon Echo, Google Home, and WiiM devices. Easily manage music streaming throughout your space with the intuitive WiiM Home App—control volume, synchronize speakers, save your favorite tunes, set alarms, and customize settings, all from one central hub.Hi-Res Sound Shaped by You: Stream crystal-clear music up to 24-bit/192 kHz from platforms like Spotify, Amazon Music, TIDAL, Qobuz, or your own library. Enjoy gapless playback and superior sound quality. Personalize your audio with advanced room correction and independent EQ settings tailored to your space.NOTE: This device is incompatible with AirPlay and cannot function as an AirPlay receiver.

2024-12-01 03:37:25

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