해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Folding Electric Wheelchair for Adults Seniors 30 Lbs Lightweight Foldable Motorized Wheelchair Compact Power Wheelchair with Removable Battery Liftable Armrest Airline Approved,Blue

상품번호 B0D42DLK2V
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상품구분 Mobility & Daily Living Aids / Mobility Aids & Equipment
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상품가격 $848.00
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【1 Second Folding Wheelchair】 This electric wheelchair weights only 30 pounds, made of lightweight but durable aluminum alloy frame, equipped with battery which can be fast slide out for independent charging. 1 second fast folding design allows it not only fits most of car trunks, you can also place it in a small corner of your home. It comes fully assembled, what you need to do is to insert the control and unfold the wheelchair when you need to use it.【All Terrain Wheelchair】 Super shock absorbing honeycomb front wheels and non-pneumatic rear wheels are made of Solid PU material, that will be more wear-resistant and have better friction, you can easily handle all terrain. Wheelchair has two powerful motors, can always smoothly and safely climb up steep slopes ( less than 9° gradient) even with a weight capacity of 220lbs. It also supports long-distance travel up to 12 miles with 10.4 Ah high-performance lithium battery on a single charge.【More sensitive braking system】 The electronic braking system which is more sensitive and precise control than electromagnetic system, brings you the most comprehensive security in various terrain, once your hands leave the joystick, the wheelchair will automatically brake to prevent the wheelchair from tilting, the high quality rubber tires provide great traction to prevent slipping. In addition, anti-tilt rear wheels, safety belt and dual manual brakes are equipped for extra safety assurance.【Updated Intelligent Control】We use a more sensitive controller in this new wheelchair. More precise 5-level speed adjustable, gives you safer driving experience. The more sensitive 360° joystick is simple to opera, small turning radius helps get around obstacles and through tight areas effortlessly. Considering that you may not want to disturb your family or others sometimes, there is a mute function button on the controller, the reversing warning sound will be muted after pressing the button.【Flip Up Armrests】: The armrests can be fliped up by pressing the button, that would be very convenient for you to get in/off the wheelchair from the side and front, the foldable footrests are also convenient to get closer to tables. The breathable mesh cushion and backrest is thick enough to ensure your comfort and prevent against bedsores and protecting the caudal, lumbar and neck vertebra from twisting.【Airplane Approved】: Our lightweight electric wheelchair have been approved by airlines and cruise, so you can take it on planes, cruise ships, trains. You will get a wonderful journey with it. The wheelchair is manual and electric dual-use design. While turn on the power, the wheelchair is electric mode, if you want to switch to manual mode, turn off the power, press the manual button until the direction light on, then you can push the wheelchair after waiting a few minutes.【Worry-Free Purchasing】The warranty period of DeerPlanet electric wheelchair is 5 years for the frame and 1 year for the electrical appliances (battery, controller, charger). We also have accessories for purchase or replacement. If there is any question before/after purchase please feel free to contact us, we will try our best to solve the problem for you.

2024-07-11 19:45:34

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