해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MARE AZZURO Sunglasses for Women 3 Pack Fashion Trendy Sun Glasses Classic Retro Vintage Oversized Shades UV400 Protection

상품번호 B0D44K44NK
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상품가격 $24.99
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Eye protection -- Cool sunglasses with UV400 protection can effectively filters glares reflected by mirrors, shiny, snow, or polished materials or any other kind of sun rays reflection, give you a natural & clear vision for driving, shopping, fishing, walking, hiking, riding, boating, and any outdoor activities.Fashion 3-pack sunglasses set -- the retro square sunglasses for women with 3 stylish colors( black sunglasses, brown sun shade and white sun glasses) will add a pop to any outfit. Simple design and checkerboard decoration is ideal for selfie, vocation, party, accessory of daily outfit.Comfortable to wear -- oversized sun glasses are crafted high-quality material ensure the long lasting. With sturdy metal hinge make sunglasses durable, also integrated nose pad design won’t slip off. All the details make it sturdy and comfy to use on beach, pool, market or travel.Item information -- Lens Height: 45mm/1.77inch; Lens Width: 55mm/2.17inch; Nose Bridge: 19mm/0.75inch; Arm: 145mm/5.71inch ;Frame Length: 145mm/5.71inch. Heavy weight 31.5g. Coming with 3 packs sunglasses, a screwdriver, a anti-lost rope, a soft cloth, a portable carrying bag.A perfect partner for women -- The vintage classic 80s retro design makes these sunglasses look stylish and high end to match your different outfits, so perfect practical gift for girlfriend, wife, mother on major holidays such as Valentine, Birthday, Mother\'s day or just a daily surprise for love.

2024-11-26 08:59:05

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