해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
CAST-X2 Baitcast Fishing Reels, Baitcaster Reels 7.3:1 Gear Ratio, 6.6oz Lightweight, 19.8LB Drag, Adjustable Magnetic Braking System, 6+1 Hybrid Ball Bearing, Carbon Fiber Handle, Compact Design

상품번호 B0D44Z69FS
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상품가격 $29.99
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Efficient & Smooth: The CAST-X2 fishing reels, 7.3:1 gear ratio, convenient to pick up fishing line for pitching jigs or burning baits at high speed. Features 6+1 Ball Bearings, Especially 2 Hybrid Ceramic Ball Bearings on the spools side could last 8-10s rotation with light working sound everytime you turn the grip handle, which provides efficient throwing and ultra-smooth performance for your fishing time.Lightweight & Durable: The CAST-X2 BFS fishing reel is 6.6oz weight, pocket design and NO drop weight during your use. Exquisite frame appearance from Glass Fiber infused Nylon. Also, features with stainless steel main shaft, precision machined brass gears and CNC aluminum U-shaped spools for durability.Long Distance & Fewer Backlashes: The CAST-X2 fishing reel features with Taper Line guide, allows line to leave the spool with less friction, meets the needs of saltwater and freshwater situations, a necessory to fisherman and angler for long distance casting.Powerful & Compact: The CAST-X2 Baitcasting Reel, compact design and robust quality for meeting more fishing conditions needs, longer casts with maximum drag to 19.8LB of trophy fish stopping power.Adjustable Magnetic Braking System: The CAST-X2 fishing reel baitcasting equips with 9 magnetic buttons, classic and dynamic magnetic system gives you consistent brake pressure throughout your long distance casting.WARRANTY - 12 months after the date of purchase, and any question or suggestion, please contact us for your free.carrete de pesca

2024-10-02 13:55:00

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