해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Toddler Standing Tower, Toddler Kitchen Stool Helper, Toddler Tower Kitchen Helper, Step Stool for Toddlers with Safety Net & Activity Board, Adjustable Height, Montessori Education

상품번호 B0D46DFPX4
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Baby Products / Nursery
브랜드 Brand: CHIESMA
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $99.00
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[Wood Material&Sturdy] This toddler tower kitchen helper is constructed with more whole wood and no edges to ensure optimal safety and stability, differentiating it from most other products in the market. Safety and quality are our top priorities.[Multifunctional Toddler standing Tower] The toddler step stool kitchen helper has a variety of uses and can help children develop the ability to do things independently. This includes tasks that would normally be out of reach due to their young age, such as preparing lunch in the kitchen together and washing their hands at the sink.[2-in-1 Design] The Toddler Help Stool is a two-in-one design that serves as both a toddler standing tower and a chalkboard, helping to enhance the child\'s learning ability, play with the child\'s imagination, free your hands, enjoy your parenting time with your kid, this step stool for kids is a great gift for the whole family.[Adjustable Height] The toddler kitchen stool is suitable for children over 18 months. It features a 3-level adjustable platform and a 2-stage adjustable foot pedal, allowing you to adjust the height to accommodate children. The safety net prevents your child from slipping out, while the anti-tipping corner braces and bottom non-slip pads ensure the stool\'s stability.[Easy to Assemble] Comes with a detailed instruction manual, just check all accessories and board, then screwed them together and it took less than 15 minutes to do it. If you encounter any problems during the installation process, it doesn\'t matter, please feel free to contact us for assistance.

2024-06-06 08:50:35

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