해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kitchen Rug and Mat Non Skid Washable Absorbent Large Kitchen Sink Rug Non Slip Runner Rug Carpet Farmhouse Standing Floor Mat Rubber Backing for in Front of Sink Kitchen Laundry, 20" x 47.2", Grey

상품번호 B0D46WBSVK
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【Excellent Design】The middle part of kitchen rug is made of chenille and fiber fabric. Surface is designed with a woven structure. Wear resistant, not easy to pill and deform, no need to worry about pet scratching. Machine washable kitchen rug is soft and lightweight. Provides good support so you can stand comfortably and protect your feet from cold floors.【Water Absorbent】Kitchen carpet for floor has good water absorption and stain resistance. Kitchen sink rug can strongly absorb moisture and humidity from the cooking process. Protects floor from oil, food particles and keeps floor clean for a long time. Absorbent kitchen floor mat measures 20\'\' x 47.2\'\', thickness is 0.3\'\'. It is a good size for daily use.【Non-Slip Design】Kitchen sink mat for floor is designed with non-slip rubber backing. Increases the friction between kitchen runner mat and floor. Good grip to keep mat in place and prevent movement or slipping. Kitchen sink floor mat protects your floor from scratches and damage. Provides extra cushioning for your feet and reduces noise in the kitchen.【Easy to Clean】Washable kitchen mat for floor is stain and fade resistant, easy for your to clean. Under sink kitchen runner rug can be cleaned with vacuum cleaner. It can also be machine washed separately in cold water. Tips: After cleaning, please lay flat to dry, you can secure 4 corners of mat with a heavy object. Keep it flat and prevent warping.【Wide Application】Non slip kitchen rug is low odor, suitable for long term use indoors and outdoors. Water absorbent runner rug is suitable for smooth surfaces like marble, tiles, wooden floors and more. You can also use it in kitchen, entrance, hallway, laundry room, farmhouse, garage, garden and more. Tips: Mat needs to be placed on dry surface.

2025-01-08 21:53:17

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