해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Arazi Premier Soccer Champion Trophy Fan Collectibles Souvenirs,6.3in/16cm

상품번호 B0D47S36GP
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상품가격 $19.99
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〉〉This is the top football league in Europe, with the best teams and the brightest stars. Now, hold this trophy and cheer for the team you support!〉〉Computer color matching, multi-layer electroplating, and exquisite craftsmanship give the entire trophy a charming metallic luster, When this trophy is placed on a computer table or office desk, it is not only a symbol of Soccer feelings, but also can easily attract people\'s attention.〉〉Made of high-quality resin, this material is strong, corrosion-resistant, and non-deformable.and it can remain in brand new condition even if it is placed for a long time.〉〉This trophy is very suitable for collection or as home decoration. It can also be given as a gift to family and friends.〉〉If you encounter any problems during the purchase process, you can contact us via email and you will receive a satisfactory reply within 24 hours.
〉〉Premier Soccer Champion Trophy 〉〉High quality resin material 〉〉Computer color matching 〉〉Multilayer plating 〉〉Hand polished 〉〉Product data 〉〉Material: Resin 〉〉Size:Please refer to pictures for details 〉〉Due to factors such as photography equipment, lighting, monitors, etc., there may be a certain color difference between the photos and the actual product, but this is not a product quality problem, please understand. 〉〉After receiving the product, if you have any questions, we will get a satisfactory reply within 24 hours.

2025-01-09 22:03:15

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