해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pillow Pets Nickelodeon Garfield - Stuffed Animal Plush Toy

상품번호 B0D482FWJ2
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Stuffed Animals & Plush Toys
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상품가격 $35.00
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ONE COOL CAT: Garfield the orange tabby cat is a lovable furry friend who is ready to loaf around the house with you. But don\'t bug him on Mondays - Mondays definitely bring out his Cattitude!COMFORTING COMPANION: Pillow Pets presents super soft, cute, & adorable stuffed animals that unfold into fuzzy pillows for sleep. Kids, teens, & adults love these classic & collectible comfy critters.COMFORT: This plushie is a pal by day, then unfastens to become a pillow at night! Comfortable travel friend for any child on road trips & airplanes. Also use as bedroom decor.BEST BUDDY: Children of all ages will love this original toy for play & as a large pillow for reading, watching television, studying, and sleepy nap time. Kids love to read with this cozy creature.SPECS: Official Pillow Pets & Nickelodeon licensed product. High-quality washable fabrics. BPA & Phthalates free. Unfastens to a 16-in pillow. Machine wash cold & gentle cycle in white pillowcase (tie off open end).
Pillow Pets and Nickelodeon teamed up to bring Garfield out of the comic strip & screen and into your home as a soft, cozy plushie that everyone can snuggle up with and enjoy. Garfield is a lazy, lasagna-loving orange cat who is ready for naptime, lying around the house, and just low-keying it with his loved ones. Garfield fans now have the perfect pal to snooze with! This Pillow Pet starts out as a fun kitty to have adventures with, and then unfastens to magically turn into a pillow for sleeptime!

2024-11-28 11:09:14

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