해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Vinyl, Rubber, and Plastic Restorer for Cars | Easy Apply, Long Lasting, No-Residue Formula | Back to Black | Tire Shine and Trim Restorer Automotive | UV Protection | Car Detailing

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상품가격 $14.97
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Shine, Nourish & Protect with a single product: This ultimate compund not only provides a matte shine, but acts as a plastic scratch remover for small imperfections. It is a quick detailer for vinyl, rubber and plastic restorer for cars (VRP).Long-Lasting Results: Get your car parts back to black with our 2x concentrated product that lasts. Unlike most products on the market, our shine and protection lasts for a long time - no need to keep reapplying every week!Protection against the Elements: Enlongate the life of your car with the Multi-Surface Car Detailer. This product doubles as a car trim restorer and a hydrophobic trim coating, safeguarding your investment in all weather conditions.Streak and Residue Free: Our water-based formula leaves behind no oily residue and leaves surfaces dry to the touch. It is safe to use as a tire dressing, dashboard cleaner, dressing for floor mats or black plastic restorer for vehicles without the sticky feeling of ordinary dressings.No Unnecessary Additives: You spend over 400 hours in your car each year, choose the best products for your journey. Our proprietary formula is free from unnecessary additives - no VOC, no fragrances and no dyes.Why choose The Pro Stuff: The Pro Stuff was born out of a simple yet revolutionary idea: to make professional-grade quality available for everyone. We spend all our time thinking about our products, so you don’t have to.

2025-01-08 05:03:42

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상담가능시간 : 월요일 ~ 금요일 10:00 ~ 17:00
점심시간 : 12:00 ~ 13:00 / 토,일,공휴일 휴무
법인명 : (주)카고맥스 | 대표이사 : 허승철
사업자등록번호 : 501-87-00144 | 특별통관대상지정번호 : 20050101
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개인정보관리책임자 : 최정원 | 대표이메일 : cargomax2015@gmail.com
주소 : 서울시 금천구 가산동 371-17 비와이씨하이시티 C동 1605 나호 (주)카고맥스
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