해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
COOFANDY Mens Mock Turtleneck T-Shirts Long Sleeve Solid Color Tees Shirts Basic Casual Slim Fit Pullover T Shirts

상품번호 B0D4DV12JY
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상품가격 $22.99
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COOFANDY Mens Mock Turtleneck Shirts Long Sleeve Solid Color Tees Basic Slim Fit Knitted Pullover Tops Men\'s mock turtleneck sweater with soft, lightweight and stretchy fabric, making it easy to wear all day, suitable for all seasons. This men\'s casual slim fit pullover features with unique half turtleneck design, knitted fabric, slim fit, solid color, the perfect blend of classic and fashionable elements, which can show off your personalty. This basic knitted thermal tops is available in a variety of colors to suit your different outfit needs. About COOFANNDY COOFANDY is a high quality men clothing brand for linen shirts, sweatshirt, gym t shirts, sweater etc. COOFANDY men fashion long-sleeved tee top can be worn with slacks, sweatpants, jeans or other trousers; it can also be used as an inner layer of a jacket, with shirts, jackets and suits, etc. Hand/machine wash, Textured, silky soft, wrinkle-free, not pilling, not shrinking, not fading, and could be used as a sleepwearfor men, this basic slim fit undershirts is in stardard US size, please choose your size refer to the size information under the description before ordering.If you want a loose fit style, we suggest you choose one size larger than usual. Features Men Mock Turtleneck Tops; Men Long Sleeve Basic Shirts; Men Half Turtleneck Shirts;Men Basic Thermal Underwear; Men Slim Fit T Shirt; Soft Lightweight Fabric; Stretchable; Slim Fit; Silky Smooth Turtleneck; Long Sleeve; Knitted; Solid Color This basic turtleneck t shirts is a must have fashion outfit for all season, a suitable wear for casual occasions, everyday wear, parties, dates, vacations, sports, work, business meetings, pajamas, any grand festival or event, etc. A perfect gift at Christmas, Halloween, birthday and Father\'s Day for husband, dad, son, boyfriend and friends.

2024-10-01 17:16:06

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