해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pet Microchip Reader, RFID EMID Portable Pet Chip Scanner Rechargeable Data Storage Animal Tag Scanner with Stable OLED Display for ISO 11784/11785,FDX-B and ID64 RFID (Black)

상품번호 B0D4DWT3MC
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상품가격 $34.99
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[Sufficient Data Storage Capacity] - Pet scanner has extremely fast scanning speed and can save up to 128 tags information. You can upload these information to your computer via USB cable, offering you the flexibility to switch between the two options as per your preference. The dual-frequency mode supports 134.2KHz and 125KHz, increasing the flexibility and compatibility in reading and identifying RFID tags.[Portable and Lightweight] - Pet microchip scanner size only 6.61 x 3.46 x 0.59 inch, 120g. You could hold them just one hand. portable and convenient to use. Keep it in your purse or vehicle, as you never know when you\'ll come across a dog or cat that\'s lost and without a collar, desperately looking for a way home. You can scan to see if they are microchipped, increasing your chances of identifying your pet.[OLED Display] - The handheld reader has high brightness display makes it convenient for you to read. OLED display screen, optimal visibility, readable in the sunlight, allowing you to efficiently track and identify animals without any hindrance or inconvenience.[Built-in Lithium Battery Rechargeable] - Uses a high-capacity battery. Has a larger battery capacity and faster charging speed. Greatly improves the usage hours of the device. Improved work efficiency. If no tags be scanned, the device will shutdown automatically after 120 seconds or you can long press the button for 3 seconds to shutdown the device.[Packages Includes] - 1x Microchip Scanner; 1x Extra Storage Bag; 1x USB Cable(2.0); 1x User Manual. Pet chip ID scanner supports ISO11784 /85 / FDX-B (15 digit microchips) and EMID (15 digit microchips). Please check if scanner supports your pet microchip before purchasing.[Outstanding Performance] - Contactless Card Reader using advanced RFID radio frequency technology identify, 5-30cm reading range, extremely fast scanning <100ms. The Farther Distance 2-12mm glass tube label > 8cm 30mm animal ear mark > 20cm (related to label performance).

2024-09-05 15:39:18

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