해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2025 LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE Elite Bidirectional Scan Tool with DBSCar VII Connector,HD Truck Scan,OEM Topology Map,Online Coding & 55+ Reset for All Cars,CAN FD & DoIP,FCA AutoAuth,2-Year Free Update

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【FRE-E LAUNCH 6V 12V Battery Tester+TPMS Activation Tool 】Just reach us to get FRE.E TPMS Tool which works for GM cars & FRE.E Battery Tester BST360.You\'ll be thrilled to have LAUNCH newest X431 PRO3 ACE Kit: Cost-Effective ever than most LAUNCH scanners,More functions,Wider coverage and 5X-Faster Hardware to better suppor.t your work:OE ECU Coding,Bi-directional Control, 55+ Hot Services,OEM Topology Mapping,CAN FD&DoIP,etc.【Advanced ECU Coding & V.A.G Guided】LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE scan tool with Advanced ECU coding can change the settings of the car software,disable annoying settings like seat belt chime, and personalize car settings like folding rearview mirror. Data backup is required before refreshing the hidden functions. V.A.G Guided for Audi,VW,Skoda and Seat,provide OE-level instructions for simplified diagnostics.【55+ Reset Service & 3000+ Actives Tests】Spend too much time and still no clue where the problem is?Why not buy this bidirectional scan tool?LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE automotive scanner,level-up of Snap-on,the Active tests enable quick issue detection through mutual controls.And 55+ hot reset services meet your most daily maintenance demands, including Oil Reset, EPB, BMS, Brake Bleed, Injector Coding, SAS,etc. Services vary from car, please send us your car VIN# to check compatibility before purchase.【OE-LEVEL All System Diagnostics & Intuitive Topology Map】As a real OE-level automotive scanner,LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE opens a comprehensive look at all accessible systems found in today\'s cars including reading and clearing DTC,and gets detailed scan reports for you to swiftly pinpoint faulty parts beneath the hood.The AutoVIN& Scan can identify VIN data with one touch;OEM Topology Mapping can locate the problem in seconds,improves 200% efficiency,saving your time and expensive repair costs!!【Enhanced Hardware & Wider Coverage】LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE comes with functionality and fluently hardwares.With easy-to-use Android 10.0 OS,larger 4G+64G,2.4&5 GHz Wi-Fi,8.0 MP Camera,6300mAh/7.6V super large battery,25+languages useFull Bidirectional,3K+ Active TestsUPGRADE DBScarVII VCI with 33FT remote diagnosticCover 200+ brands (200,000 models,1984-2025),No-IP limitation,covering American,Asian,European,ect Globle car brands,compatible with cars/trucks/buses/trailers/pick-up,etc.【5 Years Warrant-y + 2 YEARS Fre-e Update + 90 Days Money Back】This LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE is backed up by Launch official a-fter-sale services with 100% original LAUNCH scan tools,24/7/365 Tech suppor-t ,2 years of subscription-fre e software upgrades (keep software and car coverage current),5 year product quality backup,lifetime technical sup.port f.ree retur-n and replacemen-t. If you have any questions, please reach us at cardiag-aftersales @ hotmail.com for assistance.

2025-02-05 17:52:14

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