해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
52TOYS CRAYON SHINCHAN Daily Life Series 3, 1PC Action Figure Collectible Toy Kawaii Creative Gift Room Decor Desktop Decoration 3.3 Inch, Gift for Birthday Party

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52TOYS (pronounced five two). Play for fun.【Product Introduction】This series has 8 regular designs and 1 secret edition. Character list: Riding a Bicycle, Got a Lump, Going to School, Catching insects, Wearing a Dress, Rainy Day, Eating Snacks, Doing Homework, Crayon Shinchan with his sister.【High-quality Non-toxic PVC/ABS Material】Approved by ASTM, CPC, and CPSIA Standard Safety Specification, this Figurine is made of superior materials of PVC, ABS, it is also approved by ASTM, CPC, and CPSIA Standard Safety Specification, so that the color is long-lasting and will not fade for many years of collection.【Mini Cute Size】Each Toy is about 3.15 inches (8cm) high. Package size is 7x7x10cm2.75x2.75x3.9inch. Each box includes one figurine, some accesoires and a character card. *Some Series do not have the card.【Perfect Gift】It\'s a perfect gift for boys and girls over 15. It is not only worth collecting, but also a cute display in different places at your home like on your desk, bookshelves, dashboard etc.【Random for Action Figures】Before you unboxing, you can\'t know what figure you\'ll get. The chance to get a secret edition is around 1 in 96 boxes. So if you get it, you are very lucky!【CAUTION】CHOKING HAZARD. Contains small parts not suitable for children under 3 years. Avoid placing your fingers in the gap of the joint, there exist the risk of pinching fingers. *Attention: We measure the size manually, slight discrepancies are considered normal.

2024-07-10 05:43:37

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