해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ultraman Taiga: The Complete Series + Ultraman Taiga The Movie: New Generation Climax

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Ultraman Taiga: The Complete Series + Ultraman Taiga The Movie: New Generation Climax Ultraman Taiga: The Complete Series Earth has been immigrated by aliens secretly, but this fact is only known by a handful of people. In a society like this, Hiroyuki Kudo starts working in a private security organization called “E.G.I.S. (Enterprise of Guard and Investigation Service)”. The organization deals with incidents involving aliens, where Hiroyuki works day and night for peace. However, there is a big secret hidden in him: he carries Ultraman Taiga’s particles of light inside his body. A new story begins when Ultraman Taiga awakens from Hiroyuki’s body! Starring: Yuki Inoue, Ryotaro, Ayuri Yoshinaga, Kou Nanase, Chiharu Niiyama Ultraman Taiga The Movie: New Generation Climax Hiroyuki Kudo, working at the private security organization E.G.I.S, has the power to transform into 3 Ultra Heroes, Taiga, Titas, and Fuma. Battling and defeating many enemies together, the bond between Hiroyuki and Taiga has deepened. However, someone has been targeting Hiroyuki. Noticing this, the New Generation Heroes come together to save him. Hikaru, Sho, Daichi, Gai, Riku, Katsumi, Isami, and even Taiga’s father Ultraman Taro has all come down to Earth. However, Ultraman Taro violently attacks his son Taiga. What happened to Taro? Will Taiga be able to fight against his father!? The New Generation Heroes now stand together to confront a bigger, darker power! Starring: Yuki Inoue, Ryotaro, Ayuri Yoshinaga, Kou Nanase, Chiharu Niiyama

2024-11-28 08:05:33

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