해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Acacia Kaylin Bed Frame with Headboard Solid Wood Platform Bed, Queen Bed Frame, Themed Headboard Wood Bed Compatible with All Mattress Types, No Box Spring Needed, Quick & Easy Assembly, Caramel.

상품번호 B0D4YB4RG8
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상품가격 $489.99
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UNWIND IN TIMELESS STYLE: Indulge in the restorative power of sleep surrounded by the iconic elegance of mid-century design. Natural wood, a hallmark of the era, embraces organic beauty while promoting airflow and temperature regulation for a luxuriously comfortable sleepA STATEMENT PIECE FOR YOUR SANCTUARY: The sculptural headboard becomes a focal point in your bedroom, echoing the clean lines and artistic sensibilities of mid-century design. Rich wood tones and unique grain patterns infuse your space with warmth and inviting character, fostering a serene atmosphere for deeper sleepSUSTAINABLE SOPHISTICATION: We prioritize the environment by using only solid, FSC-certified acacia wood. This ensures streamlined quality and long-lasting durability, while aligning with responsible forestry practices – a core tenet of mid-century modern designQUIET STRENGTH, ENDURING DESIGN: Built to last a lifetime, this bed frame offers the unwavering support and quiet comfort you crave for a truly rejuvenating night\'s sleep. Expertly crafted for unyielding strength and a squeak-free experience, this bed frame becomes a trusted companion for years to comeEFFORTLESS ASSEMBLY, ENDURING STYLE: With clear instructions and all the tools you need, you\'ll be enjoying your new mid-century haven in just 30 minutes. Simply grab your hex key and unlock a world of restful nights and timeless design

2024-07-10 14:49:28

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