해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pure Drinking Water Skinny Tumbler - Personalized Gifts for Fallout Merchandise Lover,20 Oz Funny Insulated Water Bottle with Lid for Fallout Lover,Unique Gifts for Women Friend

상품번호 B0D52T851H
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: TSLOVER
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $17.59
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Funny Tumbler - Personalized designs give you more possibilities. The tough coating on the tumblers will not crack, peel or fade, easy to clean and reusable and have a no sweat design to make sure your hands stay dry.This tumbler is suitable for anyone- mom, dad, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, grandpa, grandma, sister, or best friend. It\'s a great way to show your love and appreciation for that special someone in your life.Versatile Usage - You could use this cup for hot drinks like coffee or tea,cold drinks like juices or wine with ice. It is perfect for a myriad of scenarios, be it a café, office, car, sports, or home . It\'s easy to carry, making it your best companion for any outing.Premium Material - Made from 18/8 food grade,lightweight,lead free stainless steel and BPA free,Ensure your cups unbreakable, rust resistant, Non-toxic and harmless.It is safe with no smell.Rest assured that your health is our top priority!Vacuum Insulation - We use double-wall vacuum insulation technology to keep your favourite drinks hot for more than 6 hours or cold for 12 hours!The excellent insulation effect enables you to enjoy your beverage at the perfect temperature, no matter where you are.100% Customer Satisfaction - If there is anything wrong with your order, just feel free to contact us, we will make every effort to solve your problem.

2024-11-30 13:48:56

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