해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Electric Pipe Threader Machine, 2300W 110V Portable Handheld Electric Pipe Threader Kit with 6 Dies 1/2"-2" for Threading Galvanized Pipe, Iron & PP Pipe

상품번호 B0D5428DBK
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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: RudiUsoy
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $189.99
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?【 ERGONOMIC DESIGN 】The compact design on the handle saves your labor and will not make you feel tired easily. This design also prevents the machine from falling.?【 EASY TO OPERATE 】The threader can be operated by the button on the handle. Besides. The carbon brush replacement port is designed on the outside for easy replacement.?【 VARIOUS SPECIFICATIONS 】 It is equipped with six different sizes of dies, so it can meet the cutting needs of different sizes and materials.?【 PRECISE CUTTING 】It adopts standard pipe cutting threads, which makes cutting to a more precise degree and provides you with a better experience.?【 SERVICE GUARANTEE 】RudiUsoy products provide free lifetime warranty and replacement parts policy. If you have any questions about the product, the customer service department will reply to you within 24 hours.
Description Do you want to improve your work performance? Do you want to save more time at work? Then our electric threading machine is for you! With our electric pipe threader, you can spend less effort and time to achieve more efficient work performance, because our machines are made for professionals! Details Fixed Rod: The rod can help you fix the pipe and make the pipe attached to each other as to how you want them to be. You can have a better work performance with this rod. Suitcase: The package comes in a suitcase, so you can store and carry them easily and don’t lose the machine parts. Anti-slip Handle: Its handle is designed with concave and convex soft rubber, thus achieving a good non-slip effect and more convenient for your use. Multiple Switches: It is designed with a forward and reverse switch, a locking power switch, and a start switch. Different switches correspond to different functions, allowing you to switch selectively. Heat Dissipation Window: The body is designed with a heat dissipation window, which can effectively dissipate the heat generated by the motor operation, improving its safety and expanding its service life. Application This machine is suitable for threading galvanized pipes, iron pipes, PP pipes, and tubes. It is suitable for threading various water, electric, or gas pipes from 0.5-2in. Specification Main Material: Aluminum + Steel Color: Orange Threading Range: 20.9-49.6mm/0.5-2in Power Type: Alternating Current Rated Power: 2300 (W) Voltage: 110 V, 60 Hz Rated Spindle Speed: 25 (r/min) Dies Diameter: 15,20,25,32,40,50mm (1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2") Package Size: 58*13.5*31cm/22.83*5.31*12.2in Gross Weight: 17.3kg/38.14lbs Package Included 1 x Pipe Threader 1 x Pipe Clamp 1 x Fixed Rod 2 x Carbon Brush 1 x Oil Can 6 x Dies 1 x Storage Box

2024-07-11 13:03:47

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