해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BW James Jewelers " The Ranger 8mm Water Resistant Black Tungsten Engagement Ring - Reclaimed Bourbon Barrel Wood Inlay Wedding Band With Real Sterling Silver Inlay And Comfort Fit Design Sizes 7-14

상품번호 B0D58D4PVZ
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Men
브랜드 Brand: BW James Jewelers
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인
Ring Size

상품가격 $399.99
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A Ranger rings true with Bourbon Barrel and Sterling Silver inlay! A unique tungsten ring that is sure to turn heads is the Ranger. It is the ideal option for any outdoor enthusiast or anybody seeking adventure because of its distinctive bourbon barrel and genuine sterling silver inlay. The Ranger is ideal for any adventurous spirit looking for something different from your typical jewelry because of its tough appearance and long-lasting nature. The Ranger is your companion for the entire voyage, whether you\'re embarking on a new adventure or you just want to give your clothes a little more flair and personality! Made from black tungsten for a durable and lasting ring Features a pronounced real sterling silver inlay down the center of the band Seamless clear coat to protect from water & seal the look for years to come Made from genuine aged Kentucky bourbon barrels "Just because it\'s whiskey, it doesn\'t make it a bourbon." Each bourbon barrel rings is one of a kind just like your special someone who will wear it. The barrels used in the making of this ring are hand cut in heart of bourbon country Kentucky. They are made from genuine aged reclaimed bourbon barrels purchased from distilleries including makers, buffalo, turkey, woodford, beam, and roses.* This ring is made from a solid highly durable and scratch-resistant tungsten metal and has a durable water-resistant coating on top to protect bourbon barrel wood, and the genuine sterling silver inlay This ring has a comfort fit design to wear all day in complete comfort. 8mm

2024-09-05 06:02:21

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