해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Golf Net: 10 x 7ft Golf Practice Net With Heavy Base Dual-Turf Golf Mat, All-in-One Mult-Target Golf Hitting Net, Golf Chipping Training Nets for Backyard Driving, Dad Grandpa Boy Golfer Birthday Gift

상품번호 B0D59GJNJR
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상품가격 $79.79
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【All-in-One Multiple Target Golf Practice Net 】10 x 7ft large golf nets provides you with enough space to practice chipping and backyard driving. Three higher small targets make our skills more exquisite and target hitting more accurately. Our golf hitting net is also equipped with a 18 x 12 inches heavy duty rubber base dual-turf golf mat, 5 x golf balls, 1x rubber tee, 1 x large capacity carrying bag & 4 x ground stakes for which you can complete all your exercises and improve your golf game!【High Quality-Robust Durability 】Our golf practice net is made of high-quality 600D Oxford cloth and 260G shock-absorbing nylon net, enhanced durability and tear resistance that can withstand heavy impacts and long-term use. 0.45" diameter sturdy fiberglass frame secures the net, like a tent, allowing it to stand firmly on the ground, we also have 4 fixed ground stakes so you can practice golf in the yard even in windy weather.【Newly Upgraded Heavy Base Dual-Turf Golf Mat】Our All-in-One golf hitting net system comes with a heavy rubber base dual-turf golf mat, which enhances the grip of the mat, prevents the mat from moving when you hit the ball, protects your wrists and clubs, and the mat also has a ball tray, which eliminates the hassle of picking up the balls all the time, making it very convenient for practicing golf!【Easy to Set Up & Take Apart】Our golf net is very easy to set up, it sets up easy with two crossing poles, much like a dome tent, anyone can do it. Takedown is also easy, just push the poles out instead of pulling. You can set a golf net up easily anywhere, indoor or outside, in the living room, backyard, or basement.【Swing Anytime & Anywhere】Having this golf practice net can be a game changer for your daily golf practice, not only does it allow you to start your golf practice anytime, anywhere, taking it outside when the weather is nice and indoors when the weather is bad, but it also saves you the time and hassle of traveling to the driving range so often. The perfect golf training aid for men / boys, golf beginners, and golfers.

2024-07-11 12:30:15

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