해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
COOFANDY Mens Henley Shirts Long Sleeve Fashion Tee Shirts Slim Fit 4 Buttons T-Shirts Casual Basic Pullover Top

상품번호 B0D59HVC36
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상품가격 $23.99
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COOFANDY Men\'s Henley Shirts Long Sleeve Fashion Tee Shirts Slim Fit Thermal buttons T-Shirts Casualbasic Pullover Top COOFANDY mens long sleeve shirts casual combine style and comfort. These shirts are made from breathable and lightweight, stretchy thermal fabrics to ensure comfort and softness. These long sleeve henley shirts do not shrink and fade, remaining comfortable to your skin, perfect for casual and stylish wear in any season. Features Men Long Sleeve Shirts Casual; Mens Thermal Long Sleeve Shirt; Henley Shirts for Men; Long Sleeve Shirts for Men; Henley Long Sleeve Shirts for Men; Men\'s Long Sleeve Tee Shirts; Men\'s Fashion; Comfortable Cotton; Lightweight and breathable; Soft and Skin-friendly; Long Sleeves; Round Neck; 4-button Detail; Slim Fit; Perfect for daily wear, casual outings, office days, outdoor activities, shopping trips, or lounging at home. Size Chart please allow 0.5-1 inch difference due to manual measurement, thanks. S Chest 37.1 inch ---- Sleeve 24.6 inch ---- Shoulder 17.1 inch ---- Centerback Length 25.9 inch M Chest 39.0 inch ---- Sleeve 25.0 inch ---- Shoulder 17.6 inch ---- Centerback Length 26.5 inch L Chest 42.0 inch ---- Sleeve 25.4 inch ---- Shoulder 18.3 inch ---- Centerback Length 27.1 inch XL Chest 44.9 inch ---- Sleeve 25.7 inch ---- Shoulder 19.0 inch ---- Centerback Length 27.7 inch XXL Chest 47.9 inch ---- Sleeve 26.1 inch ---- Shoulder 19.7 inch ---- Centerback Length 28.3 inch XXXL Chest 50.9 inch ---- Sleeve 26.1 inch ---- Shoulder 20.4 inch ---- Center back Length 28.3 inch 【SUGGESTION】: The casual shirts is recommended to wash in cold water, hand/machine wash and hang dry for best long term care results. Avoid bleach to keep colors vibrant. Please refer to our size chart before placing your order to ensure the best fit. When in doubt, choose a larger size for comfort. Thank you for choosing our brand!

2024-09-06 14:15:24

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