해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NVG30 Night Vision Goggles Night Vision Monocular,PVS-14 Tactical Helmet Mounted with binoculars,4 Color Modes 4X Magnification,Day&Night Use,HD Record&Playback for Camping Surveillance Wifi

상품번호 B0D5B8RY8P
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상품가격 $495.97
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Superior Clarity Advanced Technology:This newest BETTITOPE NVG30 night vision monocular,powerful night vision goggles.This tactical night vision monocular equipped with a high-performance CMOS sensor, and it can give you up to 4x magnification.This military night vision goggles for camping shows 2K image quality,features IPX7 waterproof protection and pvs-14,better than NVG20/NVG10.This BETTITOPE NVG30 infrared night vision monocular offers clear viewing image like day even in 100% darkness.High-Definition Recording and Playback: With a high-resolution night vision goggles that can take 1920x1080 pixel videos, the NVG30 white phosphorus night vision goggles makes sure you don\'t miss any details. It has this advanced Picture-in-Picture (PIP) magnification thing that allows you to focus precisely on specific targets during night operations. And it can both record and play back right away for you to see on the spot.Ergonomic and Portable Design: The NVG30 digital night vision goggles is designed for easy use and portability. You can attach it easily to your helmet, so your hands are free and it\'s easier to use when you\'re moving. Its small and lightweight design makes it great for various kinds of night activities,designed with 2 kinds of frame rate 30/40HZ,when you want to record running animals, you can swtich frame rate to higher frame rate of 40HZ,provide very smooth imaging exprience.Enhanced Connectivity for Greater Versatility: This newest upgraded NVG goggles is better than the previous version, the NVG30 monocular night vision supports WiFi connection, making it easy to connect to your computer to transfer and see the captured stuff on a bigger screen.Also a perfect gift for husband,friend.Ideal for a Long Range of Night Activities: The NVG30 helmet night vision goggles is the ideal military grade night vision goggles for a bunch of night activities like camping, and surveillance. With its enhanced features and user-friendly design,support mounted on helmet and night vision bonoculars for more effetive night vision activity,it gives you a really good night vision experience,making it the top choice for both pros and enthusiasts.After-sales service: Please feel free to contact us if there is anything need help on this NVG30 night vision goggles,we provide 30 days warranty,lifetime firmware update and technical support service, BETTITOPE customer service team is at your service 24 hours every day.

2024-11-30 21:28:54

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