해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LAUNCH 2025 X431 PRO3S+ Elite SmartlinkC 2.0 Bi-Directional Diagnostic Scan Tool with J2534 Coding,Topology Map,HD Truck Scan,ECU Coding,CANFD &DOIP,FCA AutoAuth,60+ Service,2 Years Free Update

상품번호 B0D5MC58JP
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상품가격 $1,439.00
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F-REE LAUNCH YA201 OBD2 Scanner+BST360 Battery Tester:Just Contact Seller via ucarobdsales @.hotmail. com us to get F-REE YA201 OBD2 Scanner & F-REE BST360 Battery Tester. LAUNCH\'s latest X431 PRO3+ ELITE kit is an excellent choice: more features than most LAUNCH scanners, wider coverage, faster hardware, more costeffective, to better meet your work needs: OE ECU coding, OEM topology mapping,J2534 Coding , Bidirectional control, 60+ Hot services, CAN FD and DoIP, etc.Full System Diagnostics + Extensive Vehicle Coverage: The X431 PRO3S+ELITE scan tool, introduced in 2025, performs OE-level diagnostics on all available systems such as ECM/TCM/ABS/SRS/BCM/TPMS/AIR BAGS, etc. The scanning tool also clears/erases fault codes, views live data/date streams/freeze frames, and other special functions such as coding, resetting, and relearn to help restore functionality after repair or replacement. The X431 PRO3S+ELITE Automotive Scanner is compatible with 99.9% of vehicle makes and over 10,000 vehicle models, including 12v cars and 24v heavy-duty trucks. Check the compability before purchasing.Topology Map + Bi-directional Control: The X431 PRO3S+ELITE diagnostic scanner supports Topology mode and it can help you to check DTCs and make you intuitively view the communication structure between modules.During the actuation test, the tablet will outputs commands to the ECU in order to drive the actuators, and then determines the integrity of the system or parts by reading the ECU data, or by monitoring the operation of the actuators, such as switching a injector between two operating states.J2534 Coding + ECU Coding: X431 PRO3S+ELITE OBD2 Scanner is equipped with the SmartLink C 2.0, a communication interface that supports the J2534 Coding specification for ECU. It can also be used as a J2534 Coding PassThru device to perform J2534 Coding in conjunction with a PC with OEM diagnostic software installed. The LAUNCH PRO3S+ELITE can also be used as an OEM scanner to customize the car to your needs with advanced ECU coding,such as unlocking hidden features,Writing a VIN to NEW ECU,Recoding replacement parts to the car,etc.60+ OE-Level Resets + Additional Features: 2025 X431 PRO3S+ELITE is a 100% original LAUNCH diagnostic scan tool that offers 60+ Resets to fulfill your daily needs and let you fix your car without any worry. It can also be used with other additional features,such as TPMS, ADAS, and more are waiting for you to pick. In addition, it can be expanded into a diagnostic device for commercial vehicles or new energy vehicles as needed. Please note that these added functions need to be purchased separately.2025 X431 PRO3S+ELITE with fully upgraded hardware: X431 PRO3S+ELITE car scanner is equipped with Android 10.0 system, 4GB RAM+64GB RAM, 10.1” Gorilla screen can be read clearly under sunlight, 6300mAh powerful power, long battery life, new TYPE A interface to connect with oscilloscope, sensor and other expansion tools; It also support CANFD, DOIP, J2534 Coding, D-PDU multi-protocol,V.A.G Guided,and super remote dignostics, such as requesting remote technician service support, holding X431 diagnostic equipment remote service, etc.2 Years Update+5-Year Wa-rranty+Packing List:This LAUNCH X431 PRO3S+ ELITE Smartlink C 2.0 is supported by Launch official after-sales service, equipped with 100% original LAUNCH scanning tools and a variety of adapted cables, and supported by a 2-year fr-ee subscription for software upgrades and 5-year fr-ee returns and re-placements. If you have any questions, please contact us at Ucarobdsales @. hotmail.com for help.

2025-02-05 17:32:02

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