해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TIRANT RAZOR-M 3.0 Magnetic Sliding Utility Knife (Stonewashed) 6Al-4V Titanium Utility Knife & Pry Bar, EDC Knife, Box Cutter, MADE IN USA (Black Magnets W/Ti Pocket Clip)

상품번호 B0D5QKDT3S
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: Exceed Designs
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $78.00
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Say help to the TiRant RAZOR-M V3 — This 100% USA MADE titanium mono-block utility knife features a fascinating magnetic razor blade holder giving you easy and fidget-worthy razor blade deployment.Ultra Lightweight Design — The RAZOR-M V3 titanium utility knife weighs only .6oz thanks to high-grade 5 6AL-4V Titanium. We\'ve refined this design hundreds of times to keep it light and usable!Not Your Average Utility Knife — High-end titanium utility knife features an addictive \'fidget factor\' with satisfying \'click\' action. Pick Silver, Jet-Black +$5 or real 24K GOLD coat magnets +$10SMOOTH ACTION & SECURE LOCKUP — If you’re looking for the most minimal EDC knife with smooth and satisfying slide action, look no further than this engineering work of art.CHOOSE CUSTOM OPTIONS — Choose your custom magnet color and pocket clip option: Silver Magnets, Jet-Black (+$5) or our special real 24K GOLD coated magnets (+$10).RAZOR BLADE FITMENT — The TiRant RAZOR-M 3.0 now has increased blade compatibility over ALL 1.0/2.0 models and now works with most ALL razor blades on the marketMADE IN USA — EXCEED DESIGNS PROMISE: We truly appreciate your support as this product is 100% CNC\'D in the USA with USA sourced Titanium and 100% Assembled with care in the USA!
The ALL-NEW TiRant RAZOR-M 3.0 Titanium Utility Knife is here! The Titanium Magnetic Utility Knife takes your everyday carry game to the next level featuring our very own custom in-house designed magnets! How Does the RAZOR-M Titanium Utility Knife Work? It\'s easier than ever to deploy the blade, just press the blade down, then click the blade into the desired position! The magnets securely hold the blade onto the notch area. Our N52 Rare Earth Magnets are some of the strongest magnets on the planet and we\'ve chosen the highest grades of neodymium available. Each of the 4 magnets are hand pressed to the perfect tolerance into our custom CNC\'d titanium blade holder housing. With the blade in either of the 2 open positions, you can throw this knife (literally) at nearly any surface and it won\'t collapse! — 100% USA SOURCED TITANIUM — 100% USA CNC WORK — DESIGNED IN WA & MT, USA — MADE IN SD AND WA, USA. TiRant RAZOR-M (3.0) isn\'t just a useful titanium utility knife, its ultra-light with an insanely addicting fidget \'click\' factor! This Exceed Designs ‘TiRant RAZOR-M 3.0 utility knife, EDC pocket knife & pry bar is CNC milled from a solid block of 6Al-4V Titanium 100% in the USA. The full titanium monoblock construction is built to last a lifetime with 4X custom N52 rare earth magnets. The ultra-light titanium design only weighs 0.6oz and works perfect for one-handed deployment. Our rare earth magnets are some of the highest grade on the planet with 3 color options including Silver, Jet-black and real 24K GOLD coat. (NOTE: 24K Gold may wear over time and may patina itself back to silver eventually) This 3.0 sliding system has taken over a year of careful development and we\'ve taken all the feedback from the RAZOR-M 2.0 and implemented it into the 3.0. Each knife takes heavy machine time due to high-grade titanium and our dedication to precision milling on each RAZOR-M 3.0. We know the price is higher than the original TiRant RAZOR-M 2.0, but the 3.0 is highly superior in every way. We\'ve also realized how important it is to diversify our manufacturing and we\'re proud to say that all 3.0 knives are MADE IN THE USA with titanium MADE IN THE USA as well as all machine work. Each knife supports US business and US jobs!

2024-06-04 19:20:57

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