해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FoodCycler Eco 3 - Compact Home Food Processor and Recycler - Kitchen Countertop Compost Alternative - Electric Food Waste Disposer - Odorless Food Waste Bin - 3.5L Bucket Capacity (White)

상품번호 B0D5S3W21C
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Storage & Organization
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상품가격 $499.00
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TRANSFORM KITCHEN WASTE INTO PLANT FOOD -WITHOUT LIFTING A FINGER: The NEW FoodCycler Eco 3 is a convenient solution to elimiate food waste. Ideal for the busy home, the Eco 3 quietly grinds your food waste into plant food, reducing the amount of trash you take out.EFFICIENT DESIGN: Garbage never looked so good. Featuring a sleek compact size with dimensions of only 11” (H) x 9” (W) x 13” (D), the Eco 3 fits snugly in any space or counter. The removable bucket can be placed close to your food prep area and move around with you as you work. One-touch button feature makes it easy to use, easy to follow and easy to love.ODORLESS AND QUIET: A refillable carbon filter absorbs any odors as the FoodCycler is working to transform your food. The FoodCycler\'s powerful mechanism ensures the unit is odorless and quiet while it works and you relax.INNOVATIVE VORTECH SYSTEM: The Eco 3’s Vortech(TM) patented grinding system can grind what others can\'t, so go ahead and toss in your pits, peels, bones, leftovers! Vortech\'s efficiency means the FoodCycler consumes less power than your average clothes dryer.USER-FRIENDLY FEATURES: One-touch button, real-time progress tracking LEDs, compact design, removable bucket, and a reusable carbon filter make the FoodCycler easy to use, easy to maintain and saving you the chore to taking out the trash.

2024-09-05 19:55:29

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