해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Jasion Roamer Electric Bike for Adults 1200W Peak Motor 528WH Removable Battery,up to 60miles 28MPH City Cruiser Ebike,26'' Commuter E Bike, 7-Speed Gears and Front Suspension Bicycles

상품번호 B0D6388DML
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상품가격 $619.00
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【1200W Peak Motor&Dual Mechanical Brake】-Jasion Roamer electric bike for adults is equipped with 750W(1200W Peak Motor) brushless motor.The powerful motor enables speeds of up to 28MPH.Whether road, grass, sand or mountain,this city cruiser ebike can conquer all terrains and is one of your best essential travel choices.The front and rear mechanical disc braking system can provide powerful braking capabilities and precise instant braking speed, ensuring your safety at all times.【Removable Large Battery】 - The Roamer ebike is equipped with a 528Wh removable battery, which can travel 45-60 miles in 6-7 hours per charge, meeting travel or daily commuting needs. This electric commuter bike utilizes a spring-loaded, quickly detachable sealed design, achieving an IPX-6 waterproof rating. In addition, the key will firmly lock the battery to the frame, do not worry about it easily dropped or being stolen.【Intuitive LCD Disply&7-Speed Gears】 - This adult electric bicycle has an intuitive LCD display, showing the speed, battery charge, pedal assist level, and travel distance. The large LCD display allows you to observe the cycling situation anytime and anywhere.The 7-speed gear and three different cycling modes: pure electric, electric assist, and pure pedal, making it very suitable for long-distance cycling.【Powerful Lighting Configuration】-The Roamer e bike is equipped with a powerful lighting system, including left and right turn signals, brake light, rear tail light, and front light. When a turn is needed, simply gently activate the turn signal button on the handlebars to let vehicles behind you know your turning intention, thereby safeguarding your commuting safety.【80% Pre Installation and Comfortable to Ride】 - This roamer pedal assist bike has completed 80% of the pre installation, and simple installation and detailed instructions can help you enjoy the fun of easy cycling faster.The 26" tires are for greater durability and a high-strength front fork suspension can absorbs bumps with 80 mm of travel, meaning that there is enough comfortable space on bumpy or rough roads.

2025-01-11 13:55:04

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