해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
VSTARCAM Home Securiy Camera, Smart Indoor Camera with One-Touch Call, Dog Camera with Phone App, Cloud & SD Card Storage, 2.4GHz with Night Vision, Baby Motion Detection (CS49-K)

상품번호 B0D668KLQ6
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상품가격 $36.99
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?【One-Touch Calls】--- VSTARCAM home security cameras not only provide high-quality two-way audio, but also provide touch-to-talk. When your kids and aged people need help, they can press the phone button on the indoor camera to get talk with you instantly.?【360° Rotation Camera】VSTARCAM indoor cameras with 348° Pan and 70° Tilt.Broad vision without leaving any blind spots,ensuring family safety at all timesIndoor camera wireless with phone app cover every corner of your home.?【2K QHD Pet Camera & Multi-user Sharing】VSTARCAM home camera with 2K QHD resolution shows crystal clear and smooth live video,This inside cameras Support up to 4 people to share the video screen online at the same time,you can enjoy sweet time with your family.?【Clear Infrared Night Vision 】It has Auto lCR and 8 infrared lights with an illumination distanceof 5-10 meters. See bright and clear footage even in the dark; Irradiation distance 5-10 meters.Bring you good visual experience and see more details.?【24/7 surveillance cameras & Easy to use 】VSTARCAM Camera Watch your pets 24/7 from anywhere in the world ! Works with Smart APP,no matter where you are, you will not miss the important moments that happen at home. (Wired Indoor Camera, Not a Battery Camera)

2024-09-05 13:56:47

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