해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SEATZONE Pink Desk Chair Ergonomic Office Chair, Comfy Office Chairs for Women Desk Chairs with Wheels, High Back Mesh and Velvet Fabric Office Chair Big and Tall, Dusty-Pink

상품번호 B0D6BHC2XR
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상품가격 $158.99
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【CLOUD-LIKE SIT SURFACE】 - This ergonomic office chair plus size provides better sitting experience by combining the features of fabric padded and mesh back chairs. The seat and backrest are wrapped in high-quality sponge and fabric, offering unparalleled comfort while resting, while the middle section is made of breathable mesh to prevent sweating during extended periods of sitting and boost work efficiency.【STABLE AND STRONG】 - Every component of this tall desk chair for heavy people has been carefully selected and passed furniture testing standards. This sturdy chair can hold up to 250 pounds and features an upgraded design with a heavy-duty metal base and quiet plastic casters for better stability.【SIZE IS NOT A PROBLEM】 - The rolling desk chair offers full relax with two modes "tilt or lock in upright position" available! The height-adjustable feature allows you to adjust the executive office chair\'s height to fit your computer desk, ranging from 38.9" - 42.8". It\'s a nice choice for a home office chair, student chair, gaming chair, and kids\' desk chair!【EASY TO ASSEMBLE】 - Assembly is quick and easy for padded desk chair wide, please find all accessories (The Armrests And Wheels) From inner Of Backrest first,then it takies only 10-20 minutes with the help of our installation instruction and video. If you have any questions, please don\'t hesitate to contact us!【CUSTOMER-FIRST】 - As a user-oriented home office desk chairs professional seller, In case of any quality issue, we offer free replacements for damaged and missing parts within 12 months after purchase.

2024-09-06 06:11:48

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