해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Youth Baseball Socks and Belt Set – Baseball or Softball Socks and Adjustable Belt

상품번호 B0D6Q2N7MH
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Boys
브랜드 Brand: Game On Socks & Belts
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $14.99
상품가격 상세보기

Superior Comfort and Performance Elevate your child\'s game with the Game On Youth Baseball Socks and Belt set, designed to provide superior comfort and performance on the field. Made from a premium blend of polyester and spandex, our socks feature a cushioned footbed and arch support to keep your young athlete comfortable during every game. The breathable mesh fabric ensures that their feet stay dry and cool, reducing the risk of blisters and discomfort even during the longest games. Whether they\'re playing baseball or softball, our socks offer the perfect combination of comfort and functionality. Built to Last When it comes to sports gear, durability is key. That\'s why our youth baseball socks and belt set is built to withstand the rigors of tough sports. The socks are designed with high-quality elastic and tougher stitching to prevent wear and tear, ensuring they last season after season. The adjustable belt is crafted with durable elastic, metal hardware, and real leather accents, providing a snug fit that won\'t give out over time. This set is designed to endure the demands of active young athletes, so you can trust that it will hold up game after game. Perfect Fit for All Ages Finding the right fit is crucial for comfort and performance, which is why our baseball socks and belt set is available in multiple sizes and adjustable to suit different ages. The socks come in small, medium, and large sizes, catering to children aged 4 and up. The belt, measuring 1.25 inches wide, fits waist sizes from 18 to 36 inches, making it suitable for kids, youths, and teens. With our easily adjustable belt and a variety of sock sizes, you can ensure your child has the perfect fit for every game. Stylish and Professional Make sure your young athlete looks as good as they play with our stylish and professional baseball socks and belt set. Available in ten vibrant colors, including black, red, royal blue, navy blue, gold, orange, purple, maroon, dark green, and kelly green, this set allows you to perfectly match your team\'s uniform. The socks\' over-the-calf design provides a classic, professional look, while the belt adds a polished touch to any game day outfit. With our Game On set, your child will not only feel great but also look the part, boosting their confidence on the field. BUY NOW so your child can enjoy the combination of comfort, durability, and style when playing baseball or softball, regardless of their age

2024-10-31 15:16:58

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