해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pop Up Golf Chipping Net, Indoor/Outdoor Golfing Target Net Collapsible Portable Golf Hitting Net with 15 Training Balls and 2 Hitting Mats for Backyard Driving and Swing

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상품가격 $29.59
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【Complete 37-piece Set 】- This pop up golf chipping net includes 1 x golf net, 2 x putting mats, 15 x golf balls, 12 x anchors, 6 x golf tees and 1 carrying bag. The golf chipping net measures 32’’(L) x 26’’(W) x 20’’(H) when unfolded and turns into a 13’’ (Dia) flat circle when folding up【Sturdy & Anchorable】- The golf practice net went through thousands of tests of folding up and down and holds up well. It comes with earth stakes to securely anchor the golf net to the ground for high wind protection【3 Targets & Golf Like a Pro】- The golf net allows you to practise shots at home even like real golfing scene. 3-target design helps gradually boost accuracy and golfing skills while the deep side pockets easily catch any missed shot【Quick Setup & Takedown】- The golf hitting net pops up in seconds when unfolded and collapses into a 13’’ flat circle when not in use without taking up too much space【GOLFING ANYWHERE】 -Take golfing fun to your house, office, parties, school or backyard ! This 3D golf nets for backyard collapses in seconds to fit into a13’’ round portable bag for flash storage and carrying. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

2024-11-28 16:23:13

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