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Mity rain Chocolate Bar Mold Deep, Silicone Thick Chocolate Bar Mold for Stuffed Bar, Rectangle Knafeh Pistachio Chocolate Bar Break Apart Candy Bar Molds with 100pcs Storage Bags

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Popular knafeh pistachio chocolate bar: The thickness of chocolate bar mold deep is 0.6inch, the sizes which is perfect for filling pistachio kataifi to making knafeh pistachio chocolate bar. The thick chocolate bar not only most popular snack of the moment but also provide the full energy of daily challenges.Ideal size: The rectangle deep chocolate bar mold are 10x6.6x0.62 inch while the finished chocolate of each cavity is 4.5x1.3x0.6 inch. The extra deep chocolate bar mold come with 100pcs Storage Bags. You can make a lot of chocolate bar at once, store it in bags, and just take a bite when you want eat it.Multi-Purpose chocolate Mold: Not only for making pistachio chocolate, you can also add different flavor additives to make different flavors of chocolate. It can also be used to make candy bar, keto fat bombs, wax melt, enegry protein bar, nut chocolate etc.High quality: 100% food grade silicone stuffed chololate mold, BPA Free, non-stick surface, easy to clean and release, without any residue and reusable. It is safe used in microwave, oven, freezer, and dishwasher. Temperature safe from -40℉ to 446℉.Perfect helper for health: The stuffed chocolate bar mold allows you to make sugar-free and low-carb foods for your children and families, giving you and your family a great healthy diet. And also are best health gift for you friend for any festivals and occasions: halloween, christmas, weddings,birthday etc
Mity rain Chocolate Bar Mold Deep, Silicone Thick Chocolate Bar Mold for Stuffed Bar, Rectangle Knafeh Pistachio Chocolate Bar Break Apart Candy Bar Molds with 100pcs Storage Bags

2024-07-10 22:39:13

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