해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
All Weather Floor Mats for Tesla Model Y 5-Seater 2024 2023 2022 2021, Anti-Slip TPE Waterproof Anti-Slip Front & Rear Trunk Mats Cargo Liners Accessories, Full Set Floor Liners, Set of 6

상품번호 B0D6W8LD4T
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상품가격 $79.99
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【Fit for Tesla Model Y】 :Romswi all-weather floor mats are designed specifically for the 2021-2024 Model Y(5 seats), with a unique high-low sink structure that prevents water seepage, keeping your vehicle\'s floor dry and clean.The custom fit ensures a precise and secure placement that doesn\'t interfere with pedals or safety features.NOTE: Does not fit on Model Y (7 Seater).【Durable & Premium Quality Material】: Romswi floor mats for Model Y are made of Premium Quality Thermoplastic Elastomer compound TPE, providing 100% odorless, BPA Free, Non-Toxic, and eco-friendly coverage in all weather conditions, and you can safely leave your pet in the car. Our Romswi floor mats for Tesla model Y use waterproof materials to protect your Model Y from mud, snow, water, etc.【Full Coverage & Anti-Slip】: Design to offer maximum protection of the Tesla Model Y floors from spills, stains, dirt, mud, snow and etc. Raised sides give extra protection for spills and wet items.Enjoy a stable drive with our mats that feature a textured anti-slip design, enhancing your grip and control on the pedals.【Easy to Clean & Install】:Say goodbye to cleaning woes with our easy-to-wash mats. A quick splash of water, and they\'re as pristine as day one. Easy to clean and keep looking new.Extremely easy to clean with a water hose or towel.Textured skid-resistant surface helps keep your feet stable and secure, while their easy-to-clean design makes maintenance simple.【Full Set Includes】 : 6 mats set for the driver, passenger,rear seats, front trunk rear trunk and rear trunk storage.If there is any problem with the product, please feel free to let us know. We will solve the problem for you.

2025-01-07 11:32:03

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