해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bose New SoundLink Flex Portable Bluetooth Speaker (2nd Gen), Portable Outdoor Speaker with Hi-Fi Audio, Up to 12 Hours Battery Life, Waterproof and Dustproof, Blue Dusk

상품번호 B0D6WB7BV6
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상품가격 $119.00
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MUSIC CALLS: The Bose SoundLink Flex Portable Bluetooth Speaker (2nd Gen) packs big, bold sound in a packable size that’s perfect for sharing tunes and good times anywhere on the planetSOUND THAT TAKES YOU PLACES: Take advantage of the surprisingly powerful performance of this Bose portable speaker with its clear, balanced, high-fidelity audio and deep bass that is easy to take with youPERFECTLY PORTABLE, WITH BATTERY LIFE TO MATCH: This Bose Bluetooth speaker is small enough to fit in your hand or clip onto a bag using the utility loop, plus it has up to 12 hours of battery life* so you can focus on the funTOSS IT, DROP IT, IT’S ALL GOOD: This IP67 rated Bose portable Bluetooth speaker is waterproof and dustproof and is wrapped in a durable, silicone-wrapped body to withstand drops, shocks, and rustSTAY CONNECTED WITH ADVANCED BLUETOOTH 5.3: This outdoor speaker uses Bluetooth 5.3 to ensure a continuous connection to your device from up to 30 feet away and can pair to multiple devices at once using multipoint technologySTEREO ON THE GO: Amp up the adventure with more sound when you link two compatible Bose speakers, choose Stereo Mode for left and right channels, or go for Party Mode for even bigger, bolder soundPLAYS FROM ANY POSITION: Stand it up, lay it back, or hang it upside down, this small Bluetooth speaker uses PositionIQ technology to sense the speaker orientation and automatically adjusts for the best sound possible
Press play and go further with the Bose SoundLink Flex Portable Bluetooth Speaker (2nd Gen). This small portable speaker features a surprisingly big, bold sound and is perfectly portable. It’s small enough to fit in your hand, throw in your pack, or clip to the outside of your bag using the built-in nylon sport utility loop. Featuring high-fidelity audio and deep bass, the Bose SoundLink Flex Bluetooth Speaker is loud enough to fill the space wherever you are on your journey. Want to up your party tunes even further? Just use the Bose app to adjust the EQ and control other features of your Bose portable Bluetooth speaker like battery life, Bluetooth connection, shortcut customization, and more. Rigorously tested to meet an IP67 rating, this Bose Bluetooth speaker with microphone is waterproof and dustproof and can even withstand drops, crushing, shocks, and rust thanks to a tough silicone-wrapped body. Plus, this outdoor Bluetooth speaker even floats so a quick dip in the pool won’t sink your sound. Whether you place this waterproof Bluetooth speaker on a table or hang it from a backpack, PositionIQ technology automatically adjusts the speaker’s performance based on orientation to provide the best sound. With up to 12 hours of battery life* and advanced Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity— this Bose portable speaker lets you focus on the fun and keeps the dance party going into the night. Share good times anywhere on the planet with the Bose SoundLink Flex Portable Bluetooth Speaker (2nd Gen). *The SoundLink Flex (2nd Gen) battery lasts up to 12 hours of play time at typical listening levels. At maximum volume, it will provide up to 3 hours of play time.

2024-12-01 08:05:19

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