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Dell Precision 5690 Workstation Laptop (2024) | 16" 1920x1200 FHD+ | Core Ultra 9-185H - 1TB SSD Hard Drive - 32GB RAM - Nvidia RTX 2000 Ada | 16 cores @ 5.1 GHz - 6GB GDDR6 Win 11 Pro (Renewed)

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[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2024 The Precision 5690 Laptop is DELL\'s latest release in the 16" Precision 5000 family. It comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz and a 18th generation INTEL 16-core Processor. The 16 cores on the Core Ultra 9-185H processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ Ghz under low use but will boost to 5.1GHz under heavy use for powerful performance![ Display & Graphics ] This Precision 5690 Laptop comes with a 16" Non-Touch Screen with (1920x1200) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a dedicated Nvidia RTX 2000 Ada graphics card with 6GB of Dedicated Graphics Ram great for gaming or photo and video editing[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 32GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 1TB (1000GB) PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage![ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft\'s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft\'s website.Windows Pro comes with everything that Windows Home comes with, plus extra features your organization might require like active directory and bitlocker device encryption (normally an $100 upgrade if purchased seperately).[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.
Dell Precision 5690 Workstation Laptop (2024) | 16" 1920x1200 FHD+ | Core Ultra 9 - 185H - 1TB SSD Hard Drive - 32GB RAM - Nvidia RTX 2000 Ada | 16 cores @ 5.1 GHz - 6GB GDDR6 Win 11 Pro (Renewed)

2025-01-08 11:14:04

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