해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KAC Power Steering Rack and Pinion Assembly Replacement for Camry 2012-2017 ES350 2013-2018 Avalon 2013-2018 ES300h 2013-2018 Complete Steering Rack & Pinion Unit Replace 1G-26007, 1G26007

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?Vehicle Compatibility: Power steering rack and pinion system compatible with Camry 2012-2017, ES350 2013-2018, Avalon 2013-2018, ES300h 2013-2018. 3-year warranty and 24-hour best service.?OE-Quality: Brand new complete rack and pinion unit replace OE part number# 1G-26007, 1G26007, 4551006011, 4551006021, 4551006031, 4551007010, 4551033050, 1G26007. Power steering rack and pinion manufactured to OE specifications, strict factory test match the fit form and function of the factory design.?Superior Materials: The core and important parts of the power steering rack and pinion are made of high-quality materials, such as high-strength chrome-plated alloy steel and aviation aluminum alloy, which have extremely high resistance to wear and tear, corrosion and durability, and can fully meet the requirements for use under various extreme conditions.?High Verticality: The helical gear system in the power steering rack and pinion adopts high precision CNC machining production to ensure the high verticality of the system, which makes the steering wheel operation more smooth and the driving safer. The steering gear is closely integrated with the chassis of the car, which will not produce adverse effects such as noise and vibration.?Durable Performance: Adopts corrosion-resistant oil seals and lip seals, butyl rubber sealing cover. 360°Dust boot full protection effectively prevents dust and mud from entering the rack and pinion inside causing wear, ensuring longer service life. Working normally for a long time even under extreme conditions.

2024-11-26 20:37:04

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