해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Nokia C32 | Android 13 | 3-Day Battery | Dual SIM | 50MP Dual Camera | 4/128GB | 6.5-Inch Screen | Unlocked GSM Smartphone | Not Compatible with Verizon or AT&T | Charcoal

상품번호 B0D7G4CYYT
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상품구분 Cell Phones & Accessories / Cell Phones
브랜드 Brand: Nokia
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $129.00
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Product is exclusively compatible with GSM carriers. In the US this product is confirmed to work with T-Mobile, Boost, Metro, Mint, H2O Wireless and other carriers using the T-Mobile network. Please confirm compatibility with your network service provider. Carrier network coverage is dependent upon the carrier\'s service area. Product is not compatible with AT&T, Verizon or their subsidiaries. Product requires a nano SIM card size.Luxurious design - Featuring IP52 protection against dust and spills, a toughened glass back, and a metallic-finish frame for a refined look and feel.3-day battery life - Equipped with a big 5000 mAh battery and the latest AI-powered battery saving features.Excellent low-light images - With a 50 MP rear sensor for capturing more light, plus Night mode for both front and back cameras.Android 13 - Personalize and protect your smartphone experience. Less bloatware, more good stuff.
We don’t always know where the day will take us. But, with a 3-day battery life, Nokia C32 is ready to go on that journey with you. And when the sun sets, its rear dual camera is on hand to capture more light and deliver stunning Night mode shots. Through it all, its luxurious glass back and beautiful accent details are a treat for the eye and for the palm of your hand. Its IP52 protection rating means that Nokia C32 can hold up against dust and spills. With toughened glass on both sides and an inner metal chassis, Nokia C32 feels reassuringly sleek and sturdy. Complete with the latest personalization, security and privacy features. And with less bloatware, there’s more free space for your stuff. Your phone, your look. Android 13 brings a range of features to make your smartphone experience smoother and more personal. And, with memory extension that turns 2 GB of storage space into device memory, you’ll be able to open and switch between more applications.

2025-01-10 11:34:25

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