해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
64MP Digital Camera for Photography and Video, 4K Vlogging Camera for YouTube with 3’’ Flip Screen,16X Digital Zoom, WiFi& Autofocus,Cameras Strap&Tripod,2 Batteries, 32GB TF Card(S200,Black)

상품번호 B0D7H5JYKH
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Electronics / Camera & Photo
브랜드 Brand: Monitech
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $198.99
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[64MP&4K Digital Camera] Our cameras provide further integrated solutions for photographers. With its high-resolution 64-megapixel sensor, camera can capture detailed images with rich colors and contrast. With its flipped 3-inch IPS screen and 4k video resolution, this video camera smoothly producess stabilized HD video. In short, our vlogging cameras will be ideal for both photography and video recording![16X Free Digital Zoom &Autofocus] Our Point Shoot Digital Cameras features 16X zoom and autofocus,offering endless possibilities for your photography!The freely controllable 16X digital zoom supports you to take detailed close-ups shot, regardless of distance. Autofocus function will make it easy for photographers to focus on capturing moving moments.Besides,Our cameras offer more customisation options for Beginner Photography, and you can easily adjust the flash, ISO, and other settings to meet your need[Versatile 4K Vlogging cameras for Youtube] With many video/shooting modes,this 4K vlogging camera for YouTube is suitable as vlog production tools and multipurpose cameras,such as Time-lapse & continuous shooting,fast & slow motiom,ect.The included microphone will also be more convenient for you to receive audio.Those make your videos and new career more unique.Two rechargeable batteries and battery charge help you vlogging without worrying the power supply.[PC camera option & HDMI output] We\'ve also designed our digital cameras to be convenient for transferring. You can use the USB port to link to your PC and use our camera as a webcam; or you can use WiFi and APP to transfer your data to your mobile phone; and you can also use the HIDM port to play the videos you take on a larger screen. Convenient and efficient linking methods will bring more convenience and help you save and edit your favorite videos.[Accessories& Gifts] We offer a wide range of accessories for camera kits.You will get camera x1, 32GB TF card x1, USB cable x1,Mic x1,Mic Cables x1,rechargeable lithium-ion battery x2, manual x1, charger x1,camera bag x1,camera shoulder strap x1,bag strap x1,tripod x1. This digital camera is very suitable for entry-level users and is a perfect gift for beginners.If you have any questions, please contact us without hesitation. We offer free replacement and refund service for three months

2024-09-05 22:31:59

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