해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bluetooth Transmitter Receiver for TV, 2-in-1 Bluetooth 5.3 Adapter for Airplane, Gym Equipment, Cars, for up to Two Wireless Headphones, Cell Phones.

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상품가격 $36.99
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2-in-1 Bluetooth Transmitter Receiver: In TX mode, Bluetooth transmitter connects non-Bluetooth audio sources such as airplanes, TVs, or MP3 players to Bluetooth-enabled speakers, headphones via a 3.5 mm cable. In RX mode, Bluetooth receiver receives audio from a smartphone or other Bluetooth source device and then transmits the audio to non-Bluetooth wired speakers, car/home stereos, headphones via a 3.5mm AUX cableBluetooth 5.3 & Qualcomm Chip: Swiitech Bluetooth transmitter receiver adopts Bluetooth 5.3 and a Qualcomm Chip, which ensures stable and fast connections. In TX mode and transmit audio signals in an airplane or with TVs that do not support Bluetooth to Bluetooth wireless devices. With a transmission distance of up to 10 meters, which a great flying companionSimple Setup and Quick Pairing: Our Swiitech Bluetooth Transmitter Receiver automatically goes into pairing mode when turned on to make pairing simple. There is a reset button if you ever need to pair with different devices. We recommend you turn off any nearby Bluetooth (such as your phone) when pairingNo More Cords: Wireless transmit audio from in-flight entertainment, gym equipment, gaming devices, TV\'s or any 3.5 audio jack. Use your AirPods, earbuds or wireless headphones anywhere with no more cords in the way.【Notes:The transmitter is uncompatible with Airpods 3/4/Pro,Bose and Beats and Sony bluetooth headphones.】Additionally, consider turning off any nearby Bluetooth devices, like your phone, when pairing on airplanesPair with 2 Devices Simultaneously: In TX mode, the transmitter can connect to two stereo Bluetooth speakers or stereo Bluetooth headphones at the same time; In RX mode, the receiver can connect to two Bluetooth-enabled smartphones or computers at the same time

2025-01-07 18:19:33

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