해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HP 21.5 inch Newest All-in-One Desktop PC, FHD Display, 32GB RAM, 1TB Storage (512GB SSD with 500GB External Hard Drive), Intel Dual-Core Processor, Webcam, Bluetooth, Mouse and Keyboard, Windows 11

상품번호 B0D7K3MM7F
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【21.5" FHD Display】21.5" diagonal FHD VA ZBD anti-glare WLED-backlit three-sided micro-edge display, 250 nits, 72% NTSC (1920 x 1080). Enjoy 2 million pixels for crystal-clear visuals and vibrant image quality. HP True Vision 720p HD privacy camera with integrated dual array digital microphone. Online Class, Google Classroom, Remote Learning, Zoom Ready.【Intel Celeron J4025】Intel Celeron J4025 (Base 2.0 GHz, up to 2.9 GHz Burst Frequency, 4 MB Cache, 2 cores, 2 threads). Tackle your busiest days and save everything you love with the performance of a reliable processor. The perfect combination of performance, power consumption, and value helps your device run smoothly.【Superior Storage and Multitasking】Enjoy seamless multitasking with Upto 64GB of high-speed RAM and embrace blazing-fast speeds with a Upto 1TB SSD storage, up to 15 times faster than traditional hard drives. Additional 1TB external Hard Drive gives you more flexibility.【Tech Specs】2 x SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate, 2 x USB 2.0 Type-A, 1 x HDMI 1.4, 1 x headphone/microphone combo, 1 x RJ-45; White wired keyboard & mouse, Windows 11 Home【Windows 11 included】With Windows 11, leverage a fresh new feel and tools that make it easier to be efficient; it has what you need for whatever’s next.
Power of a tower: Tackle your busiest days and save everything you love with the performance of a reliable processor and abundant storage. We\'ve got your back: For 80 years, we\'ve had your back. That’s why our PCs go through over 230 individual tests to ensure you’re getting a powerful, reliable PC that\'s going to last. Thoughtfully designed: A three-sided micro-edge display lets you see more of your screen with a pop-up privacy camera that tucks safely away when not in-use.

2024-09-05 13:16:06

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