해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Regalo Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed with 2-Sided Bed Rail Bumpers and Handles, Award Winning Brand, Air Pump and Carry Bag Included

상품번호 B0D7NW759Q
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상품가격 $49.99
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SAFE & SECURE: The inflatable toddler air mattress includes 2 bed bumpers to surround your child and encourage them to stay within the bed while sleeping. The sturdy vinyl design holds kid’s up to 75 pounds. Built to last.INFLATABLE: An air pump is included with this product to quickly inflate and deflate in under one minute. Adjust the comfort by simply adjusting the amount of air added.COMFORT: A soft gray felt sleep surface is included in the design for ample comfort during sleep. Simply adjust the amount of air pumped into the toddler bed to adjust the comfort of the sleep surface.EXTRA LONG: At 60-inches long, 38-inches wide, and 10.4-inches tall, this bed is designed to comfortably fit and support all sized of children. For ages 2-5 years old.TRAVEL: Carry bag included to easily store the mattress and air pump. A perfect design to easily bring on family vacations, naptime, sleep-overs, pre-school, playtime, or grandparents!
The Regalo Inflatable Toddler Bed provides a safe and comfortable place for your children to rest. It’s portable, durable, and easy to store. Designed for travel, this toddler bed is perfect at home or on the go. The Regalo Inflatable Toddler Bed is great for naptime, movie nights, camping, or sleepovers at the grandparents. It inflates easily, with the included air pump. The reinforced vinyl and seams make it extra durable for all your adventures.

2024-10-03 02:47:44

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