해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HLR Kitchen Island On Wheels, Rolling Kitchen Island Cart with Drop Leaf Countertop, Barn Door Kitchen Island Table with Storage Cabinet and Tower Rack, Island Table for Kitchen (Blue)

상품번호 B0D7ZG82FD
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상품가격 $299.99
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【Kitchen Island with Drop Leaf】For tiny kitchens or homes with limited space, the drop-leaf design could be undoubtedly a solution. With a folding kitchen island countertop can provides additional workspace and storage when you needed and can be easily folded up to free up more space.【Multifunctional Kitchen Island】Our kitchen island can function as an extra cooking countertop and used as a dining table or breakfast bar. Additionally, this kitchen island features with two large storage cabinets and two adjustable shelves, providing spacious storage space for all kinds of kitchen utensils. The towel bar and spice rack provide more storage space for your kitchen stuff.【Rolling kitchen island】 This mobile kitchen island stands on 5 universal wheels (2 with locks), one of which is in the middle of the bottom to enhance the overall stability when moving. You can easily move it from one location to another as needed, making cleaning and kitchen rearrangement more convenient.【Sturdy Rubberwood Tabletop】This kitchen island features a large collapsible countertop. Made of sturdy rubber wood, the tabletop is stain and water-resistant. Spacious solid rubberwood top, easy to clean and safely holds your small kitchen applications.【Easy Installation 】This kitchen island cart comes with step-by-step assembly instructions to ensure you have no trouble for assembling. We also provide professional after-sales guidance. Feel free to contact us when meeting difficulties on installation or any other problems.

2024-09-05 00:42:26

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