해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
VATOS Remote Control Helicopter for Kids, Camouflage RC Helicopter, 2.4GHz Radio Controlled Helicopter with Gyro 3 Channel Indoor Toy, One-Key Take-Off, Gift for Boys Adults

상품번호 B0D7ZXYS1X
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상품가격 29.99
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【One Key Take-Off/Landing】This RC Helicopter is equipped with the latest Gyroscope technology. No Assembly required. You can play it easily with 1-Key Take-Off/Landing and trim control to correct drifting and tilting【Altitude Hold & Non-jamming Function】The RC airplane has altitude hold function. With the advanced barometric pressure technology, it could hover at a certain altitude automatically after taking off. Equipped with a 2.4GHz remote control system, it can offer a stable signal and it has a non-jamming function to prevent signal interference when multiple helicopters flying together【Built-in USB Charging Battery】Each remote control airplane is equipped with the latest built-in rechargeable battery, the USB charging cable ensures that a variety of suitable ports can be found at all times, and the built-in battery avoids the worry of losing it, a thoughtful and practical design. Please open the head of the helicopter to take out the battery,then connect the charger port to USB charging. It about need to charging 1-2 hours【Long range remote control】VATOS remote control aircraft can fly within a range of 98.4 to 131.2 feet, if you are flying outdoors in the evening with no wind in the dark, you can also lock on the target quickly with the LED indication, this allows the player to no longer be limited by the field or time, which is a perfect feature【Fun for All Ages & Ooccasion】This model is an ideal recreational toy for beginners, advanced and professionals. It’s easy to figure out even with so many functions. Both children and adults will love it for sure【Warm Tips】1. The remote control aircraft must be play indoors only; 2. If you must go to play outdoors, please play in an open and windless place, and the remote control distance should not be too far or too high, otherwise there will be a risk of loss;

2024-11-27 21:09:22

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