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Premium Dried & Chopped Kataifi Shredded Fillo Dough - 500g (1.1 lb) | Perfect for Kunafa, Viral Dubai Pistachio Chocolate Bar, and More Phyllo Dough Exquisite Pastries

상품번호 B0D86TMYTN
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상품구분 Grocery & Gourmet Food / Breads & Bakery
브랜드 Brand: Generic
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $24.99
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Ingredients: This phyllo dough is made from finely shredded fillo dough, which is thin, delicate, and crisp when baked.Uses: Fillo dough is commonly used in desserts such as Kunafa, a popular Middle Eastern sweet, and the viral Dubai Pistachio Chocolate Bar. It can also be used in other recipes that require a crispy, flaky texture.Packaging: This product typically comes in a 500g (1.1 lb) package, making it convenient for multiple uses.Preparation: The fillo dough is usually dried and chopped, making it ready to use without the need for further preparation.Storage-Friendly: Dried format ensures a long shelf life, allowing you to keep it on hand for spontaneous baking sessions.Culinary Inspiration: Ideal for experimenting with new fillo dough recipes and adding a gourmet touch to your homemade desserts.
Experience the authentic taste of traditional Middle Eastern and Mediterranean desserts with Premium Dried & Chopped Kataifi Shredded Fillo Dough. Also known as Kurutulmus Kadayif Phyllo dough Pastry, this versatile ingredient is perfect for creating a variety of delectable sweets. Our Kataifi dough is crafted from the finest shredded phyllo, ensuring an authentic flavor and texture that brings the essence of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine to your home. It is ideal for a wide range of desserts, including the famous Kunafa and the viral Dubai Pistachio Chocolate Bar. Let your creativity shine with baklava nests, sweet pastries, and more. Pre-dried and chopped for your convenience, this dough is ready to use straight from the package, saving you time and effort in the kitchen. It bakes to a golden perfection, adding a delightful crunch to your sweet creations and elevating the overall dessert experience.

2024-07-10 22:43:34

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