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HT Automatic Digital Multimeter - 2024 Upgrade Smart Multitester Electric Voltmeter Tester Tool, Multimetro Power DC AMP Tester Current OHM Battery Automotive Volt Meter Electrical Circuit Tester (HT)

상품번호 B0D88C5K1G
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상품가격 $11.97
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??【 Digital Multimeter Tester 】 Multi meter is a highly adaptable electronic tool that can be used to measure a wide range of electrical properties, including ac/dc voltage, current, resistance, continuity, diode and live wire. This makes it an essential tool for anyone working with electronics or electrical systems, also widely used by hobbyists, students, and professionals in various fields, including engineering, automotive repair, and electricians.??【 Non Contact Voltage Tester 】 Completely safe non-contact voltage test with a visual and audible alarm; a time-saving and safe feature. The outer silicone cover protects the automatic digital multimeter from damage and potential electric shock.??【 Smart Automatic Multimeter Tester 】 Measure Ac/Dc Voltage, Dc Current, Resistance, Circuit Continuity Test, Battery Check, Diode Test. Works as a Voltmeter, Ammeter, Ohmmeter, Car Battery Tester, Ampere Meters, Voltage Tester. It Is Good for Home Use, School and DIY-Beginner!??【 Professional Digital Multimeter 】 Supports data hold, automatic shutdown, low battery indicator, backlight display, and flashlight. All these convenience features make the instrument more than enough for daily use by amateurs, car owners, and homeowners. Easy to use, enjoy endless diy fun.??【 Pocket Multimeter 】 Pocket multimeter is small lightweight design for one-handed use. Perfect palm sized just smaller than the phone. There is a stretchable support frame on the back, which can be adjusted at will according to the actual vision. Pocket size, but powerful in multi-function.??【 User-Friendly Display 】 Multi tester have a clear and easy-to-read display screen that shows the measurement values, as well as various settings and modes that can be adjusted to suit different measurement tasks. This voltmeter makes it easy for users to quickly and accurately obtain the information they need. comes with 2 decent cable leads.
??✨ Specifications: ✔️ Dc Vol E: 0.8-600v ( : 610v) ✔️ Ac Vol E: 0.8600v ( : 610v) ✔️ Resistance: 600kω ✔️ Counts: 2,000 Counts ✔️ Ncv: Yes ✔️ Display with Gear Display: Yes ✔️ Data Hold: Yes ✔️ Backlight: Yes Light: Yes Low ✔️ Indication:Yes Auto Power-Off: Yes ✔️ Material: Abs Power Ply: 2 * 1.5v Aaa (Not Included) ✔️ Item Size: 122 * 61 * 29mm / 4.81 * 2.40 * 1.14in Item ✔️ Package Size: 14.5 * 9.5 * 4.1cm / 5.71 * 3.74 * 1.61in ??✨ Package List: 1 * Multimeter 1 * P of Test 1 * Manual ??✨ How to Use: ✅ Step 1. Please Remove the Rubber Sleeve Behind the Multimeter, Open the Battery Back Cover, And Put 2 Aaa Batteries into the Battery Compartment According to Their Polarity Marks. Place the Battery Cover Back On. ✅ Step 2. Turn on the Multimeter, Insert the Test Leads According to the Prompts, And Enter the Test After the Two Ends of the Test Leads Are in Contact with Each Other for Calibration. ✅ Step 3. To Measure Ac/Dc Voltage, Resistance, Or Continuity. Insert the Test Leads into the Multimeter and Connect Them to Both Ends of the Measured Object. The Multimeter Measures Automatically Without User Selection. ??✨ Note: 1. No Need to Use Test Leads if You Want to Use the Ncv Function. 1. Due to the Difference of Light and Screen, The Color of the Item May Be Slightly Different from the Picture. 1. Please Allow a Slight Deviation in the Measurement Data and Make Sure You Don\'t Mind Before Ordering. ?? We Care: In the Unlikely Scenario That You Are Dissatisfied for Any Reason at All, Please Don\'t Hesitate to Contact Us. We Always Go Above and Beyond to Show Customers How Much We Truly Care! ?? Thank You Very Much for Visiting Our Store. Have a Nice Shopping Day.

2024-07-10 07:35:10

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