해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EUREKA ERGONOMIC Executive Office Chair Flip Up Arm Rest, PU Leather Desk Chair Ergonomic Computer Chair, High Back Office Chair with Headrest, Home Office Desk Chairs with Wheels, Beige

상품번호 B0D8B7ZCK8
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상품가격 $199.99
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【High Back Office Chair Super Comfortable】 If you need a comfortable office chair, the EUREKA office chair is the perfect choice. Our office chair with headrest, built-in memory foam cushions to ensure comfort and support. The extra wide back and independent lumbar support gently wraps around your body and supports your lumbar area, and the thoughtful design keeps you comfortable during long hours of work, study or gaming.【Adjustable Executive Office Chair】 Designed with a forward and backward rocking feature and flip-up arms, this adjustable ergonomic computer chair adds optimal movement to your day. It allows you to easily adjust the seat height, allowing you to rock back and forth between 90 and 135 degrees, realigning your spine and preventing the pain and discomfort that comes from being locked into the same position for too long.【Upgraded PU Leather Desk Chair】 Not all leather is created equal. This PU leather used in our specially customized tall office chair is different from typical office chair leather. It is more breathable, more durable, and easier to clean. Our big and tall office chair combine superior comfort and aesthetics, making them the perfect gift choice for yourself or someone you care about.【Durable and Solid Construction】If you\'re looking for a durable executive chair, desk chair ergonomic or gaming chair, you\'ve come to the right place. Our office chair flip up arm feature durable metal bases, class-4 gas cylinder, and top-quality rubber chair wheels that ensure a quiet, effortless glide that won\'t leave any marks on the floor. The 275-pound weight capacity is ideal for taller people, and the wide seat makes getting in and out easy.【3 Years Limited Service & Easy Installation】 Desk chairs with wheels comes with 3 year Limited Service. We provide clear instructions and tools, and the office computer chair is very easy to assemble. Communicate our 24-hour US-based customer service with any questions. EUREKA ERGONOMIC provide helpful, prompt and friendly customer service at your disposal.

2024-10-02 09:24:29

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