해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Garden Hand Tools Set,3PCS Aluminum Heavy Duty Gardening Tool Set,Weeding Tools Gardening,Soil Scoop,Hand Rake,Weeder,Non-Slip Rubber Grip, Ideal for transplanting, Weeding, Digging and Planting

상품번호 B0D8GT34FJ
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Gardening & Lawn Care
브랜드 Brand: LandJoy
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $13.99
상품가격 상세보기

Improved Garden tool set- Gardening tools for gardening include a soil trowel, hand rake and hand weeder. We have increased the thickness of the stainless steel to make it stronger and more durable than other gardening tool sets. You can easily make your garden and lawn clean.Ergonomically Design-Upgraded handle material, made of professional TPR rubber, comfortable and non-slip, ergonomic rubber grips to reduce hand and wrist fatigue when weeding, with hanging hole for easy storage. Suitable for daily use garden tool set.Hand Weeder Tools- Cleaning up weeds can be a chore and the V-Forks Weed Removal Tool for better weed cleanup in the garden. Ideal for prying and removing thistle, dandelion, crabgrass, chickweed and other common garden weeds. Suitable for most soil types, especially after rain or watering.Soil Scoop and Hand Rake-It cuts through soil effortlessly and its ergonomic handle provides a comfortable grip for extended use. Perfect for indoor and outdoor use, whether planting, transplanting or digging. You can use them for small gardens, flower beds, patios or plants on windowsills.Ideal Gardening Tools Gift-Our practical gardening hand tools are perfect for gardening enthusiasts, this garden tool is suitable for all ages. Whether it\'s women\'s gardening tools, women\'s gardening kits, or men\'s and seniors\' gardening tools, our garden tool sets are sure to be the ideal choice.

2024-07-10 07:18:06

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