해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kipling Women's Creativity Large Pouch, Versatile Cosmetics Kit, Lightweight Travel Organizer

상품번호 B0D8H7GSPJ
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상품가격 $14.85
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This indispensable pouch slides very easily into your handbag and gives you some more practical storage with three interior compartments that are perfect for safeguarding your passport, money, keys and little beauty essentials!This best-selling accessory pouch can be used as a small cosmetic case, pencil case, or handbag organizer the possibilities are endless.Made from Kiplings signature water resistant, easy to clean crinkled nylon, this versatile wallet is lightweight at just 0.15 lbs.Easily fit all of lifes small essentials in Creativitys three internal compartments, including a secure internal zip pocket.At Kipling, it\'s more important to have personal style than perfect style. That\'s why our quality, durable bags are sold in over 80 countries and come in fun colors for all.
This indispensable pouch slides into your handbag and gives you practical storage with three interior compartments that are perfect for safeguarding your passport, money, keys and little beauty essentials! This best-selling accessory pouch can be used as a small cosmetic case, pencil case, or handbag organizer. This product is intended for persons 13 years of age and older.

2024-12-01 00:07:54

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