해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Acer Nitro V Gaming Laptop | Intel Core i9-13900H Processor | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU | 15.6" FHD IPS 180Hz Display | 16GB DDR5 | 1TB Gen 4 SSD | WiFi 6 | Backlit KB | ANV15-51-99XD

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상품가격 $1,240.46
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Beyond Performance: Empower your gaming and creativity with the Nitro V 15, combining a 13th Gen Intel Core i9-13900H processor with the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU.AI-Driven Graphics: Experience lifelike visuals and unparalleled performance with the cutting-edge NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 laptop graphics. The integration of DLSS 3.5 technology takes your gaming to new heights, enhancing beauty, immersion, and realism. This innovative AI-powered technique elevates the quality of ray tracing, providing an even more captivating gaming experience.Picture-Perfect. Furiously Welcome to a new era of visual dominance. See your digital conquests unfold in vibrant Full HD on a 15.6" screen, perfectly timed at a lightning-fast 180Hz refresh rate and a wide 16:9 aspect ratio providing 82.64% screen-to-body ratio. It\'s like having a portal to the gaming universe right on your lap.Internal Specifications: 16GB DDR5 Memory (2 DDR5 Slots Total, Maximum 32GB); 1TB PCIe Gen 4 SSD (2 x PCIe M.2 Slots)Thunderbolt 4: With the powerful Thunderbolt 4 port, you have the trifecta of power charging and data transfer with bidirectional movement and video display in one interface.Stay Connected: Your gaming sanctuary is wherever you are. On the couch? Settle in with fast and stable Wi-Fi 6. Gaming Cafe? Get an edge online with Gigabit Ethernet. No matter your location, Nitro V 16 ensures you\'re always in the driver\'s seat.Keep Your Cool: Keep your cool amidst the fiercest gaming galaxies, thanks to Nitro V 15\'s innovative dual fans and effective exhaust system. As you navigate interstellar conflicts, your laptop stays serene as deep space. Its gradient design mirrors the neon hues of a futuristic cityscape, immersing you deeper into your gaming universe.Always Be Heard and Seen: Experience crystal clear communication with AI-powered Acer PurifiedView and PurifiedVoice noise reduction technology. You\'ll feel like you\'re in the command center of a spaceship, with pinpoint sound accuracy giving you the edge in your gaming skirmishes.Ports For All Your Accessories: 1 - USB Type-C Port USB 3.2 Gen 2 (up to 10 Gbps) DisplayPort over USB Type-C, Thunderbolt 4 & USB Charging, 1 - USB 3.2 Gen 1 Port (Featuring Power-off Charging), 2 - USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports, 1 - HDMI 2.1 Port with HDCP support, 1 - Headphone/Speaker/Line-out Jack, 1 - Ethernet (RJ-45), DC-in for AC adapter, 1 - Kensington Lock SlotThe Right Fit: 14.26" W x 9.44" D x 0.93/1.06" H; 4.66 lbs.; One-Year International Travelers Limited Warranty (ITW)
Live For Victory: Elevate your gaming adventure with the Acer Nitro V 15, your gateway to an adrenaline-charged journey. This laptop is the perfect blend of power and style, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on a laptop. Powered by a 13th Gen Intel Core i9-13900H processor and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 laptop graphics and showcasing a crystal-clear 15.6” Full HD display with a 180Hz IPS panel - you can see why the Nitro V 15 is a knockout hit for gamers of every level. (NH.QQEAA.009)

2024-09-05 06:16:06

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