해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Garage Sports Equipment - Ball Storage Rack 2024 Upgraded Heavy Duty Steel Ball Storage Garage Sports Organizer for Garage, Sports Storage Cart Garage Toy Storage for Indoor Outdoor

상품번호 B0D8NTB7Y6
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상품가격 $129.99
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【Upgraded Design Sports Storage System】Our sports equipment organizer features 4 layers in total which include customizable wire mesh bin, side bat rack, 3 specially designed middle and upper layers with 4 removable baskets, top layer with 6 movable hang hooks( for items such as helmets, backpacks, gloves, ball caps, jerseys and all your other items).【Customized Multidimensional Configuration】We equipped with removable compartments which make the customizable wire mesh bin provide flexibility to adapt to different equipment sizes and can be easily reconfigured as your sports collection evolves. We also designed 4 removable baskets for the middle layer to allow you to customize the organizer to suit your changing storage needs. The side bat rack can hold baseball and softball bats, tennis, badminton and hockey sticks.【Multi-Purpose & Space-Saving】The sports organizer for garage is equipped with 4 robust and smooth-rolling wheels (2 wheels with locking capability for precise positioning), easy to move the organizer anywhere and fits in a specific position, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. This versatile sports equipment storage is perfect for organizing garages, basements, gyms, playgroups, game rooms, schools, and children\'s rooms. Bid farewell to disorder and embrace a well-organized space.【Versatile Storage Options】Various sizes of sports gear, balls, bat racks, and hockey racks; top shelf and wire mesh basket to store basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, volleyball, helmets, and even as garage toy storage. Your satisfaction is important, should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through seller messaging.【Perfect Versatile Storage Options】Various sizes of sports gear, balls, bat racks, and hockey racks; top shelf and wire mesh basket to store basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, volleyball, helmets, and even as garage toy storage. Your satisfaction is important, should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through seller messaging.
Sports Equipment Organizer

2024-10-02 13:20:34

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